There comes a time in your life where you are just done. You are just absolutely done with everything (life, people, caring). You know what? That's okay! The faster you learn to stop giving a sh*t about these things, the more free your life with be and the more you can just be yourself.
1. Giving a sh*t about your mistakes.
Everyone makes them but they do not define you. Learn from the mistakes you have made and grow from them. Don't let them hold you back in life.
2. Giving a sh*t about other people's opinions.
WHO CARES?! Be your own person; you're an adult now. When you let other people's opinion dictate your life, it becomes full of negativity and BS.
3. Giving a sh*t about biting your tongue.
If you need to stand up for yourself, DO IT. Don't let people walk all over you because you feel that you need to hold your tongue.
4. Giving a sh*t about fashion rules.
This whole "plus size can't wear this, skinny people can't wear that." NO. Wear what you want. If you feel comfortable and confident, go for it.
5. Giving a sh*t about status symbols.
No one cares about what brand you are wearing. If they do, they probably aren't worth your time.
6. Giving a sh*t about things you can't control.
Sh*t happens. There will be things you can't control. At that point, why stress it? Let it happen and let it be.
7. Giving a sh*t about your ex.
An ex is an ex for a reason. You broke up because they were an ass or it was awful, whatever. Don't give them the satisfaction of still giving a sh*t anymore.
8. Giving a sh*t about ending toxic relationships.
There are people in our lives who aren't good for us, they bring us down, and they don't realize. Make yourself better and cut those people our of your life.
9. Giving a sh*t about fitting in.
Be yourself! Don't worry about fitting in with the masses because then you all become the same and it's boring. Be your unique self and stand out.
10. Giving a sh*t about social media.
Why does it matter who likes your photo or who shared this. Share that cat video because you thought it was funny. Post that selfie because YOU think you look good.
11. Giving a sh*t about having the "perfect" body.
Being healthy is one thing, but you don't need to be a size 0 or a size 10 for anyone. Be bigger, be skinnier, but be that for you and no one else.
12. Giving a sh*t about not giving a shit.
Don't half ass things. If you care about something, go for it, love it, believe in it. If you don't give a sh*t about it, then don't and leave it at that.