Moving out on your own? Here is what you need to know.
1. Your parents won't be right there when something goes wrong.
You know when you get into deep trouble with your landowner, roommate, or the police, your mom won't be there to handle the situation. Your an adult now, meaning you have to take full responsibility.
2. You're responsible for waking yourself up.
You know how your mom always would make your breakfast and make sure you were up on time? Yeah, she won't be there anymore. Meaning you better set a million alarms or you might miss class or even work. Then you start to become irresponsible.
3. You have to manage your finances.
You're now responsible for paying all the bills, meaning you have to manage your money reasonably. No more binge spending and eating out all of the time.
4. Your gonna have to do chores.
Unless you want a messy house you are gonna have to clean and do your own laundry. That's right, your mom and dad won't be there to do it for you.
5. There's tons of freedom.
You can literally do whatever you want to your place and in your place. Although you still have to be responsible about everything you decide, because it may cause you to do something you shouldn't. There's still rules when living on your own that you are required to follow that are set by your landowner or roommates.
6. You make up your own rules.
Speaking of rules, you get to set your own curfew and visiting rules. You can make it as strict or as free as you want in your own place.
7. The responsibility is unreal.
With all the bills, cleaning, and adulting that it takes to live on your own it gets exhausting. Although, if you stick with it enough you will get the hang of it and it will seem effortless and the stress will go away.