Today, I want you to know that you are amazing. You are worth the time and effort that people put into being your friend. You are worthy of love whether you feel like you are receiving it or not. Every day, I wake up and I always seem to find something wrong with how I look, or how much homework I managed to complete last night, and even with how much sleep I got.
Seems silly right? That's just it!
We get on ourselves for the smallest things and let it ruin our day when we as students have enough on our minds as it is. Students have to attend class, finish their notes, complete their homework, be sure to study, call mom, and don't forget to eat!
Stop allowing others to control how you feel. You are your own person and believe it or not, you get to decide how you want to live your life. If you live it just making others happy, you will never be truly happy. Trust me, I have been there!
I know that sometimes it can get really hard. I know that things can seem neverending; the pain seems as if it will never stop hurting. But, don't you remember that day where you felt on top of the world? Think about it right now: the day when your smile couldn't be removed from your face.
Please remember how warm the sun feels and how calm the breeze feels on a beautiful day because even if your days aren't looking like that now, they will come back. Those days exist, your exquisite memories are proof of it!
You are talented, warm, intelligent, strong, brave, courteous, hilarious, and beautiful.
This may be the only time that you ever read these words, but I hope that you think about these words every single day.