Things you must know about beach travels | The Odyssey Online
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Things you must know about beach travels

Every season is beach weather.” – Anonymous

Things you must know about beach travels

Here are some worth seeing beaches in the US

But there is nothing like summertime and easy living.The most enjoyable thing about summer vacation is planning it, and even better when someone else does it for you. From where to stay to what to bring, to the pros and cons of beaches, you will learn everything you need to know about the beach experience here.

“The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever.” – Jacques Cousteau

The family beach destination should not only have amenities that the family requires and desires, but the hotels and living accommodations should also be luxurious. This will give a feeling of being at home.

Here are some worth seeing beaches in the US:

  • Silver Beach in St. Joseph MI
  • Siesta Beach in Sarasota, Florida
  • Main Beach in Santa Cruz, California
  • Waikiki Beach in Honolulu, Hawaii
  • Crandon Park Beach in Key Biscayne, Florida
  • Crane Beach in Ipswich, Massachusetts
  • Fred Benson Town Beach in Block Island, Rhode Island
  • Huntington Beach State Park in South Carolina
  • Huntington City Beach in Huntington Beach, California
  • Gulf State Park Pavilion Beach in Gulf Shores Alabama

The places you can find here are perfect places to spend a summer vacation together with your family. You can grow your own vegetables and harvest your own food while your children play sandcastles and beach volleyball. Moreover, beach chairs and umbrellas can be rented on-site, as well as beach wheelchairs. The wide, sandy beach is perfect for swimming, sunbathing, and jogging, while nearby restaurants and ice cream shops offer a variety of coastal cuisine. As soon as you discover what makes these unseen beaches so unique and why you should visit them, along with what you should do in each area, you're just one step away from collecting your beach essentials and hitting the sand!

Your backpack must have sunscreen, water, some snacks, a swimsuit, and a towel. Be sure to read TIPS AND TRICKS FOR FAMILIES VISITING BEACHES.

When we discussed family beaches, you probably thought of your pets. Having a dog is undoubtedly an integral part of your family. However, when you are setting out on a trip, bringing your furry friend along can be difficult but Florida is home to many dog-friendly beaches and is welcoming to dogs. There are many beaches that are dog-friendly and are often described as heaven on earth by dog lovers. So we also tracked down the coolest beaches in the country where dogs can run, swim, and play.

Double-check Before you leave

Before leaving, make sure they’re comfortable. Verify your pet's vaccination records (including a rattlesnake vaccine if you travel backcountry), heartworm pills, and any medications they may need. Whether or not your dog has gotten lost, always hold onto their microchip information and make sure they have current pictures on your phone. Well-trained dogs travel better and are safer. For both your safety and the dog's during a car trip, dogs should be restrained with a safety belt or crate.

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