Hopefully this winter break, you got to spend time for yourself...whether that's spent with family, friends, strangers, or with a few loving pets, the holiday season is always one that you should take a breather during. So what would a "breather" for a lot of people involve? Well, now that you're asking, lets go ahead and state the obvious- a SOCIAL MEDIA CLEANSE! While my interpretation of a "breather" looked much more like sitting on the couch binge watching Law & Order or Shameless (both Netflix Go-To's you're welcome) many people I came into real life contact with (bizarre right?!) mentioned that they wanted to go into 2017 with fresh eyeballs, a.k.a, NOT staring at a phone for hours on end refreshing a Twitter feed even if it was just to hear the "swoop-paa!" sound. Now if you're still following along with what I'm saying, odds are you're half way dozed off and are sitting there like, "Sooooooo can you get to the point?"
HERE'S THE POINT! If you took a break from social media this winter break and kind-of, sort-of, really have absolutely no idea what took place in the grand world of Presidential Twitter, let me give you a little update, here's a quick look through of what you missed!
~All Images Collected from Twitter~
May your 2017 be filled with hope, motivation, and action.