1. Inside Jokes
Sitting and chatting with friends can be fun, though how much of the conversation are you missing when you stare at your phone? You're probably missing out on some key inside jokes and bonding moments. Or worse, you could the butt of an inside joke. Who wants that?
Some of the BEST people watching moments occur at the most random places. Sometimes it's your local Starbucks. Other times it is a random lounge chair in a random college lobby. Either way, some amazing moments can be missed when your staring at your phone. A random act of kindness could easily make your day. But let's be honest, a student tripping up the stairs never gets old either.
3. Good Books
How many people read anymore? Now I am talking about REAL books. Like Pride and Prejudice. Or Wuthering Heights. Or whatever the newest teen phenomenon is. You are all too busy reading Facebook you tend to forget that books bound with paper and ink still exist. Plus here is a bonus, you can still read even if it isn't required for a college class. It's called "for fun".
4. Fun
If you never stop looking at your phone you are going to miss out on all of the fun. Sports, board games, video games, reading, and anything else that requires you to have full attention. Granted a slight glance to your phone every now and again will probably happen, though overall you need to stop flipping through Facebook to fully experience the moment.
5. What Is Going On Around You
This is self explanatory. Don’t be that person so absorbed in their phone that they walk into doorways, poles, walls, etc. Seriously. Your phone isn’t that important.
6. The "Little Things"
Constant attention to your phone can result in you missing out on the little things in life. Like just sitting in Starbucks, enjoying a cup of coffee, and having zero outside distractions. Coffee tastes really good when you actually experience the taste instead of just half paying attention while you check up on your Facebook feed.
7. Getting Things Done
Your homework would probably get done faster if you weren't constantly on Snapchat. Just saying.
8. The College Experience
Remember in high school when you had fun passing notes to friends, laughing at the teacher, and goofing off in the hallways? When was the last time you did that? Probably high school since your always on your phone in- between college classes. While also being on your phone 24/7 you could be missing out on a Frisbee game on the front lawn, or a bake sale table in the hallway. Do you really want to look back on your college days and just remember the things going on in social media land? I know I don't.
9. The Weather Outside
Is the sun shining? Is it raining? Who knows! Certainly you don’t if you can never look up from your phone! Unless of course you Google what the weather is from your phone... but that isn't the point!
10. Yourself
When you are always on your phone, you miss out on what YOU are thinking. You are so absorbed in your phone that you don't pay attention to how you feel. You don't notice the cute boy (or girl) across the room. You don't eat. Or nap. Or anything. Your mental health and physical health could take a dive from your phone obsession. So how about you put it down and take a break. That never hurt anyone. I promise, not much will update while you are gone.