There are some of us in the world who always seem to be the single ones, and not only the single ones but the single ones who are best friends with a couple. What does this mean? It means that whenever we hang out or go out, we are always the third wheel. Being a constant third wheel isn't all bad, it actually teaches you many wonderful lessons, and can sometimes be amusing.
You become really good at taking cute couple pictures.
Couples like having their picture taken, and someone's gotta take all those pictures right? That's where you come in. You guys got dressed up and went to a fancy dinner? They want a picture. You went to go see Christmas lights? They want a picture. A sunset walk by the beach? They want a picture. After several years of this, you've most likely become a master photographer of couple pictures. You could probably add that to you resume.
Being the third wheel while you're out can help you pick up men.
Let's say you're out at dinner or anywhere really, your couple friend is sitting there -- arm in arm, holding hands, kissing -- and there you are, lonely little you sitting there all by yourself. That's what other guys might think, at least. After years of successful third-wheeling, you can learn to milk the third wheel title while the three of you are out to pick up guys (or girls, which ever you're into). Nothing screams, "I'm available! Hit on me!" Like sitting with a couple whose sucking face.
You become a master mood killer.
Sometimes when you're third-wheeling, you have to find ways to amuse yourself. What's more amusing than killing the mood? If executed correctly, it can be absolutely hilarious. Nothing kills a mood like a dead baby joke, a really loud burp at dinner, trying to show your couple friends a new pimple or telling a disgusting story about what you had to clean up in the bathroom at work last week. When my couple friends start getting a little too PDA for my liking, boom, I kill the mood. I've become very good at it. This might explain why I haven't been on a date in a really long time.
You realize how much you don't really like PDA.
"Can you cut it it out?" is a phrase I've said too many times to keep track of over the years. Kissing at dinner, kissing at the movies, kissing while we're in the middle of a conversation. Oh my God y'all, chill.
Some days you're super glad you're single, and some days you realize you're really lonely.
Sometimes constantly being around a couple can make you feel a little lonely. Sometimes you want to be the one in the cute couple picture, or the one sucking face at dinner (just kidding, don't be those people). But, then sometimes you realize that you actually really enjoy being the single friend. Because even though you see all the good in your couple friends' relationship, you also see the bad. Spending that much time with a couple lets you see what you like and what you don't like, and allows you to reflect on yourself and what you want in your own relationships.