I wanted to work at Starbucks for the past eight years or so. When I finally got hired, I soon realized why the turnover is so high; baristas are forced to deal with some of the most ridiculous requests and scenarios. After working at Starbucks for a while, I have given myself the title of a professional people watcher, and I've seen the most absurd and entitled people walk through the doors of my Starbucks.
1. People Do Not Know How To Manage Their Time.
"Hi, yes, do you have drink for Jennifer? I'm running really late, so maybe you could make 'Jennifer' next." An instance like this happens without fail, at least twice a shift. People do not know how to manage their time, and they absolutely do not have any regard for other people's time. Newsflash: I am not paid nine dollars and fifty cents an hour to care about your meeting; wake up earlier, use the Starbucks app, and keep to yourself.
2. No matter How Rich a Person is, They Will Always Look For A Discount.
"Well, you're not going to up-charge me for the almond milk, because I'm allergic to cow's milk." Non-dairy milk is a sixty cent up-charge, and I've seen upper class people try to fight the charge. Though dairy allergies are unfortunate, they will not stop me from doing my job and following company protocol. Either pay the sixty cents, or bring some non-dairy creamer to Wawa and get your coffee there.
3.People Are Instinctively Selfish.
Too many times, I have had pastry bags ripped from my hands followed by a migraine-inducing,"MINE! THAT COFFEE CAKE IS MINE". Most of the time, it is not theirs and I have to embarrass an entitled customer for thinking that the first pastry to come out of the oven is automatically theirs. Pro-tip: baristas will call out your name, and if you don't hear it, your name is still conveniently written on the bag. Please, stop ripping things out of my hands.
4.People Love Seeing You Work.
While changing the trash my customers cannot help but slam their coffee cup in to the trash bag that I'm tying to secure on to the trashcan, while there is another trashcan two feet away from them. Customers also love to pull on the door and let themselves in while I'm cleaning the window, oddly enough, it's a double-door and they could have easily used the other side instead of interrupting my cleaning.
5. If It's Unnecessary, People Automatically Want It.
"Can I have my lemonade frozen, double blended, and can you add three scoops of strawberries, one scoop of black berries, and four scoops of dragon berries to it?" I'm sure you have seen this drink on a YouTube vlog, but here's the thing, you don't need it. Come to Starbucks, READ the menu, and leave. There is no need to want every add-on we can possibly offer you.
Friends, enjoy your Starbucks, but also try not to drive your barista insane. if you're late for work, take it as a sign that you need to wake up earlier. Perhaps you're hungry, but unsure that the pastry in the barista's is yours, wait a moment and see if the name they call out just so happens to be yours. Baristas are humans just like you, treat them as such.