I recently talked with my boyfriend about the things that I do for him that he really appreciates or makes him happy. You may not think your boyfriend notices, ladies, but he does. He adores you and the little things that you do really add up. Here are just a few things that guys are actually glad you do.
1. Ask him how his day was/is
This is a really simple and sweet question to ask. It shows him you care and it’ll start conversation between you.
2. Asking/making sure he is okay
Guys can’t always hold up the “tough guy” persona. Sometimes they need to be checked on and made sure they’re doing okay. This is another simple way to show you care.
3. Complimenting him
Believe it or not, they like to receive compliments, too. If he is looking like a snack, tell him.
4. Playing with his hair
Now, not all boys are going to like this. Personally, my boyfriend does and I don’t mind doing so. This can be really calming for them and help them to relax.
5. Your hugs
He LOVES your hugs. Especially when you don’t see each other for a while, the reunion is always a lot sweeter (distance makes the heart grow fonder, right?).
6. When you talk to him about things
They like knowing you can come to them if you need to talk. Communication is super important in a relationship. Even if it isn’t about your relationship he does want to know when something is bothering you.