Before we arrive to college we have this idea of what "cool" is, and what is definitely not cool. Once you graduate high school and step onto that college campus, you realize that your definition of cool is totally flipped upside down. Some might make you, or made you, cringe. But now it is just normal. You acquire these habits while you are away from home, and begin to realize that your freedom mostly means not having to eat vegetables, getting ice cream at every meal, and wearing whatever the heck you want. The unfortunate part though is when we have to go home for the summer and go back to our civilized ways *sigh*. Here are a few things that were completely acceptable at school, that might not be so welcomed at home.
Wear crocs everywhere you go
Look, they may be ugly but they are practical and comfortable. And that is all that matters.
Wear oversized t shirts and running shorts
In college, at least at mine, we dress for comfort not for style. Yes, this might be the stylish thing to do right now, but it still is comfortable, and that is what we are going for. If we look cute while doing it, that is just an added bonus.
Wear socks and sandals
This is my fave. If you’re like me, and your toes are always cold but you love wearing sandals you can be in what you call a pickle my friends. This trend is the best of both worlds. Apparently its not very stylish though. Who cares, you do you.
Eat meals at odd hours of the day
Sure, this one probably isn’t that good for your health, but we’re young and in college so who cares?! Eat at Midnight, 2 am, 4 am- whatever. Just don’t let your parents see the empty cookout containers in the trashcan, or you will get a heck of a lecture.
Go to bed insanely late and sleep in all day
This is totally normal in college, but now that you are home you have to “respect your parents schedule” whatever that means… We also have jobs, which suck. So never take this for granted when you have the opportunity. You won’t be young forever.
Walk everywhere
This is just impractical now. Unless you live downtown in New York City, you probably have to drive everywhere you go. Which sucks. Although you might not reach your 10,000 steps everyday this summer, you will make it up come time to go back to school.
Pull all-nighters
Although it is not necessary now, sometimes it is just fun to pull an all-nighter and see how late you can stay up with your friends. Are parents don’t see it this way. They see it as irresponsible and unhealthy.
Not flush the toilet
In college you can get away with not flushing the toilet, depending on where or who you lived with. In some eyes you might be saving the planet or maybe just lazy. It’s a mystery and being mysterious is cool in college. Our parents don’t think so, they call it gross.
Be alone
You cant just ask your parents for alone time without them thinking that you are depressed or that something is wrong… Sometimes I just want to be alone.