I always like to reminisce on my days of being a kid, and sometimes I come across things in my mind that I vividly remember doing, and I know I wasn't the only one. Below is a list of beyond specific things I vividly remember being a prominent part of my childhood.
1. Raiding blockbuster on a Friday evening.
2. Getting a tissue in class just to show off your outfit for the day.
3. Pretending you were in a music video on the school bus when you had a bad day.
4. Trying to hack the ticket muncher at Chuck-E-Cheese.
5. Buying a cereal only for the toy inside.
6. Spent all your money on the useless supplies at the book fair.
7. Only ate the icing on donuts.
8. Journaling ONLY when you were angry at your parent or friends.
9. Telling your Mom you feel sick at 3 a.m. in hopes you won't have to go to school the next day.
10. Using objects you found in the outdoors to play "House" to the fullest extent.
GiphyAhh, childhood, how I do miss the smell of walking into a blockbuster on a Friday evening. We all have those specific things we did as a kid that make us who we are today, these are just a few of mine.
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