5 Things To Do When You're Trapped In The Cold That Aren't Sleeping | The Odyssey Online
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5 Things To Do When You're Trapped In The Cold That Aren't Sleeping

Don't feel like you're wasting your days.

5 Things To Do When You're Trapped In The Cold That Aren't Sleeping
Nico Kaiser

From the Great West to the Eastern Seaboard, the United States is currently plagued with below freezing temperatures and heaps of snow. Frigid cold weather and snow may not be ideal when you want to go out, especially if you’re on winter break. In order to avoid the winter blues, here are five things you can do inside to keep your mind occupied and leave you feeling proud of yourself.

1. Binge on Netflix.

Naturally, turning to your computer is something to do when you’re trapped inside and have nothing else to do. Kill time by choosing a show like Friends, One Tree Hill, Parks and Rec, The Office, or any other show that you’ve been dying to binge on for a while. To top it off, make some hot chocolate and some cookies while watching your fave Netflix show and “chill”-ing (get it, because it’s cold outside?).

2. Read a book.

Our studies constantly require reading, but when was the last time you read something that you wanted to read just because you felt like it? Try to find a book or magazine that you truly want to read and curl up on your couch or bed for a while without looking at your phone and just enjoy- it’s that simple! Keeping your mind concentrated on a thought-provoking story or fascinating magazine article will push all your worries away of wanting to venture out of doors.

3. Try a new recipe.

Ever dreamed of being the next “America’s Top Chef?” Look at websites like Pinterest, Delish, Food Network, and Genius Kitchen for video demos and recipes to whip up a nice dessert or a five-course meal to impress all your friends. Plus, learning to make all sorts of dishes for lunch, dinner, and dessert could save you money while at school, and, let’s be real, avoiding eating a meal at the dining hall.

At the end of the day, learning to cook a full meal will leave you feeling accomplished that you didn’t have to rely on Mom or Dad or a restaurant to provide you with a meal.

4. Design a workout routine.

Whether or not you have exercise equipment in your house, the Internet is rampant with workout routines and videos that don’t require a handbell or an exercise bike. Try your hand at some exercise moves for about 30 minutes or so (if you’re not really into working out).

In fact, an exercise routine as simple as doing some reps of jumping jacks, crunches, push-ups, squats, and burpees is an easy start to get in shape without leaving the house and can be accomplished in 30 minutes or less.

5. Clean your room.

Living in a dorm and being limited to a small wardrobe can make you forget at times what sorts of clothes, shoes, and other assorted things that may be in the crevices of your room at home. Take the time for an hour or so (or over the course of several days) to go through your clothes, shoes, and other items that you no longer need anymore. It is easy to just throw all these things away, but consider taking them to Goodwill, the Salvation Army, or your local thrift shop.

As the famous saying goes, “What’s another man’s trash is another man’s treasure.” Creating more space in your room and giving your old stuff to places where other people may find your former possessions useful will make you feel good that you're not only helping yourself but others as well.

No one likes staying trapped in their house during their month-long winter break, but staying in your house presents many opportunities to improve yourself and accomplish things that you don’t have the time to do while away at school.

Doing these things rather than sleeping the hours away will surely leave you feeling satisfied that your time on break in spite of the unfortunate weather was not wasted.

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