As the school year winds down, I have done a lot of thinking about all the things I will miss from freshman year; the endless sleepovers, meeting new people, the free t-shirts. However, I realized there is some stuff that I won't miss at all.
1. The Notorious Hall Bathrooms
I can safely say that the hall bathrooms will not be missed... ever. My hatred for the bathrooms came about mostly when I had to go at night. As if climbing down your lofted bed wasn't enough, you also have to stumble around your room to find that key. It always amazed me how on Fridays, the bathroom was clean, and then the weekends came around, and it was like a toilet paper tornado. I am way too excited to say bye to the hall bathrooms, ugly shower shoes, and that stupid key.
2. Fire Drills
Living on campus means scheduled fire drills. We are used to this having them throughout high school, except in high school, the fire drills were never at 1 a.m. in the cold. I will not miss the heart attack I almost have in the middle of the night when the alarms start blaring and I have to keep myself from falling as I climb down my bed, scramble to find decent clothes to put on, and run outside, only to be out there for a good 15 minutes.
3. Those Cozy Rooms
I am really glad I decided to live in a dorm my freshman year; I met my best friends and made memories I will never forget. However, I can confidently say that being cramped in those tiny rooms made for elves will not be missed. Having to reduce your closet to one third of its real size in order to fit clothes in that hole in the wall that they describe to you as a "closet" will soon be over and I cannot wait.
4. The Bug
Whether it's flu season or a pollen apocalypse, if one person gets sick, everyone in the hall is doomed. No matter how hard you try to fight it with precautions like vitamins, too much orange juice, or wearing a mask, you will catch the bug. It is nice being sick with all your friends, having people to suffer with you. Yet I do not think anybody will miss how sickness in a dorm spreads like wildfire.
5. The Bottom of the Totem Pole
Freshmen are at the very bottom of the totem pole, the last in the pecking order; we got the short straw. This mostly has to do with signing up for classes. Your advisors tell you "start putting classes in your shopping cart," so you put on your music and start happily picking out classes. Then, as quickly as you picked one out, it's gone. Then comes the panic attack that your whole career and life choices are ruined because you're a lowly freshman who picks out classes last and cannot register for that one biology class that you desperately need. Guess what? It's over; we move up a notch, and next year, we can have our panic attacks way earlier than the freshmen below us.
6. Starvation or Diarrhea
These seem like the only two choices you have when having a meal plan that limits you to eating only on campus. My friends and I had tried everything on all the menus in Talley by the end of our first month here and we were all sick of it. Not to mention the dreaded dining halls, which seemed like a good change from pizza at first, until about 30 minutes after eating the food, when you're stuck in the bathrooms praying to the food gods that it will get better. Fear not, better meals are to come. If you are living on campus again for your sophomore year, then I suggest buying a nice mini fridge to replace the ones they give you and learn the art of cooking this summer.
7. The Freshman 15
Oh, it's real. It is very real. It starts off with a student who is older asking, "You haven't had Gumbys yet? You NEED to have it, it is so good." That is where I got my freshman 15, and for a lot of other freshmen at NCSU, it's where it started for them as well. Gumbys starts out so innocently, just ordering a cheese pizza for some late night study sessions. Then you discover pokey sticks. The discovery of pokey sticks plus lack of time to make it to the gym equals 15 pounds, its an equation that most all freshman face. If you were lucky enough to maintain your fitness in freshman year, shout out to you, you are an inspiration to us all.
8. 1 out of 300
Being a freshman usually comes with a common feeling that you are a "nobody." Nothing enforces this more than being a number in a class size of 300. Sure, sometimes those classes are good for dozing off in, but I myself missed having a relationship with my professors. Luckily, after this year, the classes slowly start to get smaller.
9. Laundry Time
I have developed a system of not doing laundry until I have run out of my last pair of clean underwear and the Febreeze is no longer making things smell halfway decent. Why do I and most people I know live in such filth? Laundry time. Unless you are lucky enough to live on the first floor of your dorm, laundry is hell. Hauling the basket down three flights of stairs is enough to have people choose becoming a smelly ogre rather than just washing their clothes. Not to mention the continuous laundry room drama that takes place over Facebook and can lead to the ending of friendships.
10. Getting Lost
I can finally say that after almost a year, I know my way around NCSU's campus fairly well. I no longer have to do that embarrassing thing where I go up to a random person asking where SAS hall is. N.C. State is a large campus spread out over a city, so getting lost is super easy, especially for freshmen who have too much pride to carry around those little maps given to you at orientation. My favorite time of being a lost puppy was when I plugged a building int Google maps and the directions started playing out loud. A lot of students looked at me and tried to hide their laughter. Well, the joke is on them, because I know where most of the buildings are, finally... unless they are not on central campus.
Yes, there are some things about freshman year that we will try to forget. However, as it starts to come to a close, take some time to take in all the awesome memories from being a freshman (late night Gumbys, your first college party, Disney movie nights, and plenty more). These are the best times of our lives, and they are going by super fast, so take some time to take it all in. It won't be here for long.