16 Things Women Shouldn't Have To Do In 2016 | The Odyssey Online
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16 Things Women Shouldn't Have To Do In 2016

Because it's about damn time for real equality.

16 Things Women Shouldn't Have To Do In 2016

Women have made great strides for equality in the past 100 years or so. While we've earned suffrage, some of our reproductive rights, and more recently brought feminism in its varying forms to the forefront of socio-political discussion, there is still much to be done. Through our persistent fight for equality of the sexes, there are quite a few things that men either: a) never have to deal with or b) never get questioned with doing. Obviously, what is discussed below is a generalization, but generalizations represent trends; trends which need to go out of style -- now. So, below is a list of things women should never have to do, especially with how far we've come.

1. Apologize, without reasoning

Saying sorry for being right, pushy, coming into a conversation between two coworkers/colleagues, or simply asking a question. None of these situations warrant an apology. You have a right to be correct, assert yourself, join a conversation and inquire.

2. Lie about sexual activity or lack thereof

As a woman in college, practicing safe and consensual sex with however many people you decide to do anything with is your business. Because of this, you can share your business with whoever you chose and disclose however much you want to. Some women are an open book and others aren't; both are fine and both should coexist. Furthermore, no woman should feel obligated to have a certain amount of notches on her bedpost. Any range of sexual activity and experience, so long as safe and consensual, should be not be demeaned or silenced on the basis of fears of inadequacy or judgement.

3. Second guess or qualify an opinion

There are quite a few studies that show women tend to be less assertive than men because we are less likely to take risks. While some of this can be drawn back to basic neurological differences, I believe most of these differences in riskiness between the sexes are social constructs. We should never second-guess simply for fear of being judged for having an opinion. It is society that can change this second-guessing stigma. Everyone is entitled to opinions, and women do not need to qualify their opinion any more than men. Furthermore, a woman should never second-guess her thoughts simply for fear of sounding "dumb" or "abrasive." It is not a masculine feature to be opinionated.

4. Wait for a man to make a move

Go ahead: text him first, ask him out on a date, or initiate the next step. You do not have to wait for your partner to make the first move just because you're told you're supposed to. You can be feminine and assertive. You are allowed to want to initiate things first, just as it should not be expected of the man to make the first move all of the time. Have a little confidence and free yourself of waiting for him to text you first.

5. Be afraid to say no

On the same token of not being afraid to initiate, you should never worry about denying someone in any situation. Whether it be a question for a phone number, sex or anything in between, you are not obligated to do anything, no matter your relation to whoever asked you. Saying no should not be something that makes a woman anxious or fearful. Saying no does not make you "uptight," "prude" or a "tease."

6. Fear walking home at night

A woman should not have to remember 20 tips from law enforcement about walking home at night safely. She should not have to use the buddy system, order an uber, or even refuse the invite to a party simply because of the impending, scary walk home. She should not have to clutch her pepper-spray in one hand and phone with "9-1-" already dialed. Yet, rapes, robberies, and even close-calls continue to occur in and around campus; all of which need to end.

7. Worry about accepting drinks at bars and parties

Women should not have to be weary when accepting a drink from someone at a party. You should be able to accept a drink (or deny it, for that matter) without fear of what's in it or how the one buying will react if you pass up the offer.

8. Hide birth control or feminine protection

You should never be ashamed of your reproductive health and methods of preventing pregnancy. While I feel as though making these topics a social norm is increasing in recent years, we are still ways away from when these conversations will not be done in whispers and sneaked in purses and pockets. There is no need to conceal your health.

9. Attempt to live up to the images in magazines

I say images, here, because the photographs that grace these publications are so manipulated that they are mere imitations of the women they capture. We should be educating young girls, just as we educate them on their bodies and health, that society's image of what is beautiful is skewed by these altered images, and these images are standards of beauty that non of us are obligated to subscribe to.

10. Lobby for equal pay

It's been almost 100 years since the 19th Amendment passed. It's been just over 40 years since the Court ruled on women's right to abortion. Women are now allowed in combat. These are great strides in the battle for equality, but if there's one issue with women's rights that should not be questioned, it is that men and women should receive equal pay for the same amount of work. Yet, the fight will continue so long as this basic concept remains a struggle in most workplaces.

11. Avoid being loud

You are allowed to be outspoken. Often I find being loud, as a woman in a social setting, tends to have a negative connotation, and quite frankly I find that ridiculous. Being the first to say something or the one things that's on everyone's mind is not a masculine feature. Commanding a room is not just "for the boys" and if you have the talent to do so, you should not feel sequestered to remain silent because of it not being "lady like"; this isn't the 18th century for Christ's sake.

12. Fear of being bossy

Ignore the belief that assertiveness, strength or leadership equates to being bossy. And furthermore, so what if a woman is being bossy? Why is it that when a man takes charge, he's a boss but when a woman does the same, she's bossy? If that means that you are strong, independent, and in command, then by all means embrace your bossiness over those bosses.

13. Feel obligated to have children

Yes, females are the child-bearers. However, that does not make you obligated to reproduce. The stigma that we aren't doing our "duty" as women by delaying or never having children is outdated and needs to end. If you want to put your love life or career front and center instead of shelling out $200,000 per child (not to mention college tuition), you should not be shunned for doing so. The era of scolding women who don't want to reproduce and calling them selfish should have ended, like, yesterday.

14. Worry about looking "too . . . "

Too fat, too skinny, too "made-up," too dressed-up, too strong, too toned, too soft, too revealing, too modest, too pale, or too dark. All of those worries of looking too much of anything is manufactured by a sexist society that likes to create one particular "look" for women to have. It's bullsh*t. You can look however the hell you want to look. If anything, worry about your appearance and conduct for yourself and no one else.

15. Run from the label of a feminist

While millions of women are embracing a title that used to seem radical, with many accepting the varying wings of this ideology, some women continue to run from this label. These ladies qualify their fleeing, stating "I'm for women's rights, but I'm totally not... like... a FEMINIST or anything." What's worse is those who slap the label of "feminazi" onto any woman who declares herself as an advocate for gender equality. No one should run from such a broad and accepting ideology, as feminism at its core simply seeks equality -- something we should all be able to rally around without fear of judgement.

16. Be afraid to share this type of article

Sure this last one may be a bit of a shameless plug, but just as I have every right to say it, every woman has a right to not have to do any of these things. No one should feel as though sharing articles that highlight disparities between men and women or advocate for equality labels them as whiny, too political or annoying. After all, those that raise hell over feminism gracing their timelines are the ones that need to be informed the most. *insert sassy girl emoji*

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