High school and college are two completely different worlds. In my opinion, no one really tells you just how different these two stages of your life will be. Yes, most people understand the financial side of things: that is, you now are responsible to pay thousands of dollars every semester in tuition and fees, not to mention the hundreds you may have to spend in rent or buy your own textbooks because they are no longer provided for you. To be properly prepared for college, however, requires understanding of more than just the money.
Honestly, the biggest thing I wish I’d known going into college is about the work load. In high school, homework was scarce for me, and I had a clerical period (or two) almost every trimester in which I could accomplish any reading or homework I needed to do. The only work I really did at home was writing big papers or speeches, and that was only during one trimester, not constantly. In college, you aren’t given a designated study or free period. In fact, most people are probably working a job in conjunction with attending school to pay for said school. This means free time becomes less and less often, and sleep becomes more and more necessary. Basically, you have a lot more homework to do on your own time, and a lot less of your own time to do it in.
Next, I wish I’d known that you will change in college, and this is natural, necessary and beautiful. This is the time when you will really find yourself and grow into the person you truly are. I’ve had friends come into college knowing exactly what they are going to do with their lives, and then changing their majors once, twice, three times. College is about discovery, growth, change and the future.
Also, college is not the giant four year party certain movies or TV shows depict it as. In fact, you’re better off if you disregard the party notion all together. Trust me, it’s not worth it. Just remember you don’t get very much free time, and when you do, you’re better off to spend it doing homework or sleeping.
A few other small things I wish I’d known also involve money as it turns out. Save every penny you can because trust me, something will come up, and you’ll need it. Also, eat out as little as possible. Pack your lunches, and learn how to cook. That excess cash adds up super quickly. Remember, Starbucks tastes great and all, but if you go every day for a week, that’s around $35! Take that times four. Are you still too lazy to make a coffee or tea before heading out the door in the morning?
Lastly, don’t get too hung up on thinking you need to meet your soulmate on your college campus. Maybe you will. Maybe you won’t. Just be you and love yourself first. Remember, you’re in college to learn, which will ideally lead to a lucrative career in the future. Anything else you find along the way are just extra perks.