Dear Younger Me,
Indulge in your childhood. The time that you have is endless — invest that time into making moments that will build you into the person you will become. You must only offer the best possible version of yourself. Do not let your miseries turn you bitter. You cannot change a moment; it is what it is, and you must make the most of it.
The best part about growing up is being able to reflect on your journey. In the past couple of years, I've learned the following:
- You need to know that love is self-less.
- Love not reciprocated does not mean love is lost. You will not understand what I mean by this until you experience it first-hand, and you will.
- Do not allow yourself to believe you are stupid, and don’t give others the license to tell you that you are. Let your brilliance be defined by the way you treat others. Build your self-philosophy.
- Look both ways before you cross any road — be mindful of the effects to your causes.
- Take as many mental health days as you need. Sometimes, all it takes is a drive downtown.
- Always be grateful. What if you woke up tomorrow with only the things you thanked God for today?
- Life is delicate. Death is not to be reckoned with.
- Live by others’ happiness. Do not become envious, be proud. Let their victories challenge you to better yourself.
With Love,
An older and wiser You