High school and adolescence are trying times in themselves. The insecurity and self-doubt that plagued so many of us only amplified those four years. Looking back, there are quite a few things I wish I could tell myself while I was in high school.
Go to your high school functions, even those lame ones.
Don't get me wrong, I was an avid participant in those Friday night lights (that I still miss to this day), but there were so many other school events that I deprived myself of. I only went to homecoming once, I didn't go to my junior prom, and there were after school activities that I could've been more active in. At the time it didn't occur to me that I would never have those opportunities again. Please, for the love of God, don't think you're "too cool" for your MORP, your homecoming dance, or a basketball game. When you get to college-- or whatever route you pursue after graduation-- you will miss those little things.
The pain from your first heartbreak won't last forever.
And honestly, it might not even be a true heartbreak. Sure, it's gonna hurt, but I promise in a few years you'll look back and laugh/be thankful for the experience. Imagine how different your life would be if you were still dating someone from high school. Whether it would've been positive or negative, your life wouldn't be where it is. Everything happens for a reason. I know it's cliché, but it does get better.
Nobody really cares what you drive or wear except for you.
And if they do care, they suck. All cars serve the same purpose, to get you from point A to point B. All of your clothes cover you up, and it really does not matter. When you get to college, the level of caring gets even lower. Don't be ashamed of what you don't have, and be humble about what you do. It'll get you far.
No amount of AP or dual enrollment classes will prepare you for college.
Contrary to popular belief, taking all of those upper level courses do not prepare you for college besides potentially getting you credit. You don't have the flexibility and freedom in high school that you have in college. Your college professors will NOT be as easy on you as even your hardest high school teacher was. You can miss one class in college and not be able to make up notes for the biggest part of the upcoming test. You don't get reminders from your college professors about homework, and you're lucky if you get a study guide for a test. So please take advantage of those small luxuries while you have them. I'd do anything to go back to one of my high school classes for a day. With that being said, I still suggest taking those classes because who doesn't want free college credit?
Your high school friends likely won't be your college friends.
Or, you'll befriend people from your high school when you get to college. I was so close with a group of people in high school that I still have so much love and respect for, but things change. People go different places and it's hard to see all of your old friends. Things don't stay the same and while that isn't necessarily bad, don't take advantage of the proximity you have with those people because once it's gone it's hard to maintain.
It really does go by faster than you think.
All those cheesy quotes and all of the annoying lectures you get from people who have already graduated are so true. I was the kid who couldn't wait to graduate, and it didn't even hit me until after I walked across the stage and grabbed my diploma that it was all over. Don't rush those last few months, because you'll look back and have so many regrets if you do. High school isn't always the best, but it should be memorable.