Things All Wine Lovers Know To Be True | The Odyssey Online
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Things All Wine Lovers Know To Be True

You can't tell me hearing a cork pop doesn't give you butterflies.

Things All Wine Lovers Know To Be True

If you have ever seen me with an adult beverage in my hand, then there is a 95 percent chance it was wine. My closest friends know that wine holds a special place in my heart (and stomach) that no other drink could. Not only am I a fan of the drink itself, but I am fascinated by the entirety of wine culture. The growing process, the harvest, the immense amount of science and technique that goes into production, tasting, analyzing, pairing; it is all mouthwatering and captivating. Here, I have compiled a list of some of the best things about being a true wine enthusiast.

1. There is nothing better than finding a cheap and tasty bottle.

A $5 bottle of Merlot? Sign me up! Inexpensive doesn’t always mean poor quality and when you’re on a budget like so many of us are, you’re always looking for a deal. Some of the best bottles I have tasted were $15 or less. Now that doesn’t mean some of them aren’t junk, you’re bound to find your fair share of duds but the only way to know for sure? Start popping those corks!

2. Your friends always know what to get you as a gift.

“What do you want for (insert holiday here)?” “I don’t know, my wine rack is getting low,” is a typical conversation with my friends in the time leading up to my birthday, Christmas, or Flag Day (any day is an excuse to be gifted wine). It also leaves open to them how much they want to spend which is always an awkward subject. They could spend anywhere from $5 to $50 and know they’re getting you something you will enjoy.

3. Nothing compares to having your analysis match up with that of a professional.

While some wine descriptors are flamboyant and far-fetched such as freshly cut garden hose, cat pee, and gasoline, there are a few key descriptors that help to differentiate wines in laymen’s terms. Words like fruity, mineral, floral, tannic, acidity, oaky and spicy are all easy terms to remember once you get the hang of it. When you are a wine lover, it becomes kind of like a game to run your own analysis of wines and see how close you were to the description on the bottle or tasting sheet. When you nail it, there is no better feeling in the world of wine accomplishments.

4. You can make your food better through your choice in wine.

Are you a crappy cook, but want to host a dinner party? Then wine is the beverage for you! A bottle of wine can actually complement, highlight and enhance the tastiest features of your meal. While shopping at the liquor store or winery, just ask an attendant for a suggestion based on what you are cooking and they can point you in the right direction. Not only does it help make your food taste better, if you can get your guests wine drunk, then they won’t care how it tastes!

5. Wine mixed drinks.

Let that sink in. Wine. Mixed. Drinks. One of the best things about wine is that it plays well with others (a feature it also helps me with). This includes fruits and their consequent juices, other alcohol, and even ice cream and sherbet! In my opinion, the most classic example is the mimosa followed by sangria and wine spritzers. I also once had a Mad Wine-entist friend of mine suggest her creation, "Champort", a one to one mix of Ruby Port and a dryer Champagne. It sounds strange, but WOW. The two mixed flawlessly, creating a wine mixed drink like none I had ever had (plus, Port has a higher alcohol content, so it leaves you feeling extra warm and fuzzy).

6. Wine tastings are the best.

If you can’t relax sitting at a tasting bar sipping new-to-you blends and varietals surrounded by happy people and cascading vineyards, then I just don’t think we can be friends. Doing wine tastings is the best and most fun way to explore new flavors and surroundings while also restocking your wine stash and unwinding you to your core.

A word of caution, though, beware of mixing too many flavors and styles of wine; that can lead to a gurgling stomach and the headache of a lifetime.

Now if you'll excuse me, I've made myself thirsty. Cheers, friends!

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