I am currently in an airport on a three-hour layover. I am bored because there is little to do. In the effort to entertain myself, I've compiled a list of things to do when you're bored at the airport.
1. Admit to yourself that you actually have stuff to do and proceed to procrastinate on it.
OK, I actually have work to do, but part of the fun is to convince yourself to save it for the plane.
2. Attempt to find an outlet because you were stupid and didn’t charge your laptop or phone.
When you finally find one, it will usually be taken, or it will be so low to the floor you need to sit down like the child you are.
3. Drag your stuff around the airport and wonder why you put yourself through the torture of bringing so much stuff with you.
Consider it your workout for the day
4. Go into the stores and buy something.
5. Proceed to leave all of these stores because you realize you’re a poor college student who can’t afford all of this overpriced junk.
There are pastries that are $5. That money could go to the dollar store nearby your school.6. Surf the internet.
If you find that the wifi actually works, sing a song of joy and happiness. If you find that the wifi does not work, go to the shiny airport bathrooms and cry.
7. Create a snap chat story to document your airport adventures.
8. Proceed to realize that you do not have that many followers on snap chat.
Also proceed to realize that nobody is interested in what you do at airports.
9. People-watch
It’s always fascinating to see how people walk and talk, or to notice how they interact with others.
10. Admit to yourself that people-watching means checking to see if there are any attractive people around.
When you by miracle find someone attractive, remember that they are probably flying somewhere different than you. Also, you most likely look hideous. Cause you've been flying.
11. Decide to splurge and get a cup of coffee.
Then ask yourself why the airport’s definition of “small” is “dollhouse size.”
12. Try to strike up some conversations with people.
Everyone is here for a reason, and therefore has a story.
13. Proceed to realize that no one wants to talk to you.
Why did you think anyone wants to talk? Everyone's exhausted.
14. Go to your most primitive self and watch stupid videos online.
Beg to God that no one is going to look over to your screen and judge you for watching Fall Out Boy music videos.
15. Accept the fact that you're probably going to die in this airport.
Your flight has been cancelled. It is rescheduled for tomorrow. Your transfer flight has been delayed. Just accept it. There's no escape.