Sometimes we wish we could go back in time and tell ourselves things we’ve learned. If we could go back and tell our younger selves these things it would help us become more successful or more mature. However, with this being said we learn from our mistakes and now we can apply these things to our today and future lives. I’ve asked family and friends to tell me what they would tell their younger selves and here I am to share with you what I’ve learned from them.
- “Enjoy being ignorant to the world’s problems. Don’t be afraid to be yourself, and have confidence in who you are. The right people will accept you. Oh and eat more foods than just spaghetti and cheese”. –Becca
- “Learn to not worry about what other people think. I spent so much time worrying about what to wear, how I looked, and what I did that I wasted so much time. I was embarrassed to love reading or anything and I regret that” -Kelsey
- “I would say advice I would give my younger self is work hard and stay motivated; even though there are times you just want to throw your hands up in the air, don’t and keep on going, It doesn’t seem that it will be worth it to work so hard, but it will be and it will only set yourself up for future success” – Hannah
- “Don’t let others determine your self worth and how much you love yourself. You’re important and beautiful in your own ways, the quicker you figure out the happier you’ll be” –Laura
- “It would be that you shouldn’t worry what other people think about you or say about you and grow thick skin and don’t be so shy!” –Brad
- “I’d say just go with the flow homie it’ll all be good” –Myles
- “Don’t waste an opportunity that you would regret in the future for not taking. Like don’t be afraid of what life has to offer for you” –Kevin
Now I give you my advice that I have come up with.
8. Don’t worry about boys. Have fun, be yourself, and make good friends. I remember always worrying about boys and who the next person was dating, etc. but now looking back I wish I had put all that effort into my friends and myself instead. Think about all that time we spent worrying and wondering about boys?!? We should have been using that time for more important things like creating our futures and making great friends.
9. Eat healthy but indulge sometimes too.Taking care of your body is extremely important and will be a great investment. Taking care of yourself includes eating those brownies or that pizza. Don’t be so strict that you end up hating healthy food; eat those sweets in moderation.
10. Don’t say no to advice. Your parents are always going to want to give you advice at the time you will roll your eyes but later on you will realize they were right and you should have listened to begin with.
In the end always remember to learn from your experiences but not to be upset with yourself. We all make mistakes and we learn from them. I’m just here to share with you what I have learned and maybe can help you learn as well. Every experience is a good experience no matter what, good or bad we still learn from them.