We are students, and we are busy. We all know that. Between class, work, the gym, friends, clubs, your boyfriend/girlfriend, and your afternoon session of Netflix and a nap, it's hard to find time for everything in a day. And such, days begin to slip away. Before we know it, it is winter break of your second, third , or even fourth year of college. The little things that mean a lot, to turn into seemingly nothing. "What little things?" you ask. Well... here are just a few things that we don't do enough, that we should do more.
1. Call Our Parents
Yes, it may seem like a hassle, but they miss us more than they let on. Even the shortest conversation will make their day. It may not always seem like it, but they want the best for us. They love us and we surely can't forget about them.
2. Say "Thank you"
We get so busy and distracted, sometimes forget that someone just held the door for us (stopping it from hitting us in the face.. phew). Forgetting to thank our parents for doing all they can to make our life good. Even thanking our friends for putting up with us when we have our monthly (more like weekly) meltdown.
3. Think Before We Speak
Hmm... is that really the best thing to say right now? Is it going to help the situation? If not, just let it go!4. Drink More Water
8 cups per day!
5. Say "I'm Sorry"
6. Go On Dates
We live in a society that is all about "Netflix and Chill".. aaaand that needs to change. Ask her out. On a real date. Go to a movie. Go get dinner. Go get ice cream. DO SOMETHING! (someone please prove that chivalry is still alive?!)
7. Visit Our Family
8. Classic "Gentlemanly" Things
Open the car door, bring her flowers, pull out her chair, help her put on her jacket, OR offer her your jacket if she is cold. *sigh* It truly is the little things.
9. Clean Our Rooms
...guilty of this one... a clean room leads to less stress, a less cluttered mind, and an easier life! The more frequently you do it, the easier it will be! (easier said than done)
10. Go To The Gym / Exercise
No one wants to, but 30 minutes 3 times a week. We can do it. It's good for us...right?
11. Disconnect
We need to put our phones down, shut our laptops, and turn off the tv. Read a book, hang out with friends, have a real conversation. Disconnecting can lead to better relationships, being more productive, and just being all around happier.
12. Smile
13. Cry
14. Take Time For You
This one may seem silly, but we tend to get so caught up in what we should be doing, or trying to please others, that we forget about ourselves. We need to take time to do what makes us genuinely happy. Take a bath, read a book, listen to music, whatever it is that you like.
15. Being Thankful for What We Have, and Not Worrying About What We Don't
This one is HUGE. Sometimes we get so caught up in the things that we want or the things we think we want, that we forget about all the amazing things that this life offers us. We have amazing opportunities and need to take advantage of them! Instead of worrying about the new phone you want or the new shoes, take time to be thankful for everything you already have in your life. The non material things. A good life, amazing opportunities, a family, plenty of friends, and a chance to make your life what you want it to be. Not just harping on what you don't have.So, we should begin to try to do these simple things, that somehow slip our mind. You never really know what kind of change could come. Let's try some and find out.