The time we have all been dreading is finally here: Finals Week.
So go ahead and get out those books and about nine cups of coffee.
Here are things we all think during finals week:
When you look at the calendar and see that finals week is here:
And realize that 4.0 you told yourself you're getting probably won't happen:
You calculate your grade and find out you need a 153% on the exam to get an A:
But you know it's going to be okay because you only need a 60% to pass the class:
So you start to try some of those stress relieving methods:
Then you dive into those books you barely touched all semester:
You start to contemplate if a degree is really worth it:
But then you remember you need to graduate to be the millionaire you are in your head:
You open the exam and look at the first question:
So you turn in your exam hoping for the best:
After your exam, you're pretty drained:
Then your professor sends an email saying they'll post the exam grades next week:
But now that it's all over, you get to go home!