After a long day at school, work, or running errands everyone loves to get home, relax, and take a nice soothing shower or bath. For some people the shower is the only place they can have some peace and quiet, and true alone time. It is safe to say that we all do things in the shower (besides actually showering) without any shame at all.
1. We all sing.
I don't care who you are, at some point in your life you have most likely sung in the shower. We are not all virtuoso and choir worthy but bathrooms often have great acoustics which are perfect for any voice. It is just a fun way to spend your alone time and unleash some energy after a spending day. It is very similar to singing in the car…you don't really care who hears you and you can sing as off-key as you want without (too much) judgment.
2. If you sing you probably dance too.
Like I said you don't have to be good at it to do it in the shower. You are all alone in a private space and are free to express yourself once again without judgement. If there is music in the air who can help but dance a little too? Plus after you get out of the shower dancing can be a great help in drying your hair.
3.Catch up on some reading.
You may not be able to bring your favorite book into the soapy water with you but there is plenty of reading material already provided in your shower. If you are using your shampoo and body wash you might as well learn what it is doing for you right?
4.Thinking out loud.
Since you are usually alone in the shower, and it is a great place to think and reflect on your day or life in general, sometimes we all just think aloud. If a thought pops into your head it is almost natural to narrate out loud. People often make big decisions while in the shower because the have so much time to think undisturbed or distracted.
5. Eating and Drinking
You might think this one is especially odd or uncommon but I have been in many situations where having a drink with your bath or keeping a sandwich near the shower makes the experience a thousand times better. I am always hungry, so sometimes you just have to get creative.
6.Washing your furry friend.
For the times that you are not alone in the bathroom we all have to wash our dogs and various pets. For some dogs this is heaven on earth and for others…not so much. Personally, I know my dog prefers showers over the conventional bath, so putting on a bathing suit and washing your dog is a great way to make them feel less scared!
7. Practicing.
If you have a big test or presentation coming up at work, what better time is there than to practice in the shower? The more you practice the better and more comfortable you will be, plus you can't bring notes or flash cards into the tub with you so it will help you figure out how well you really know it!
8. Writing on the walls.
Whether it is with soap suds or just writing on the steam accumulated on your glass or mirrors we have all done this one at least once. It might be a favorite quote, song lyrics, a drawing, just practicing handwriting, or random squiggles, its just too tempting not to do.
The shower is one of the most personal and intimate places in the home. Even though it is a place of relaxation and deep thought it is also very versatile and can a be really fun place to let loose. We all live lives with at least some structure and rules but in the shower there is no judgement, no right or wrong, no deadlines, and nothing but privacy and a chance to get to know yourself better and reflect.