I was fortunate enough to be raised by two of the greatest people in the world, my parents. It's a funny thing really. We don't usually realize how blessed we are by our parents, until we're pushed out into the great, big world and forced to stand on our own two feet. My Mom & Dad have always been there for me and I know that they always will be. They were at every soccer game, every piano recital, and every martial arts lesson. They were involved parents, and I can't tell you how many times I heard, "Wow, you are lucky to have such amazing parents". They've always pushed me to be the best version of myself. My parents have instilled in me morals and values that I will carry with me forever. When it comes down to it, they mean more to me than I could ever put into words.
These are all the things I want my parents to know:
Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for every sacrifice you've made. I know that I won't be able to completely understand this until I'm a parent of my own, but I can tell you how thankful I am. For the thousands of times you've put my needs before your own, for giving me grace when I messed up, and helping me fix my mistakes, for the time, money, and love that you have poured into me from day one, and for all that you still do, even when you don't need to -just because you are the most dedicated parents out there-, thank you.
You are my greatest role models. You two are my "everyday heroes", because that's truly how I see you both. You have always represented the highest levels of hard work, dedication, and honesty. You've shown me the great importance of faith and family. If there's something to be done, you don't rest until the task is completed. You serve without complaining, because that's just the kind of people you are.
Thank you, for the many life lessons that you've taught me about anything and everything. Whether it be politics, finances, cars, or careers- your vast wisdom on seemingly every subject still amazes me.
You mean everything to me. In the midst of my college years, I've come to realize that no matter where I go in life, I always want you guys to be there. A world without the two of you, is a world that I never want to have to live in. So, in case I don't say it often enough, I love you.