Video games are an essential part of my life. I don't let them overwhelm my schedule, and when college is in session, I usually don't play them for weeks at a time.
However, I often find myself pondering and putting to use the lessons and skills that video games have taught me. I hope that someday everyone can find a video game that they enjoy and learn the same things that I have learned.
Here are some things that video games have taught me:
1. Diversity
Especially with so many games allowing for customization of characters, we are no longer limited to a single appearance. In addition, many sci-fi or fantasy games that have alien or monster characters allow the player to enjoy socialization with these characters. This gives the player a view into the window of diversity in the world.
2. Socialization
You can play with friends both in person and over the internet. I met several of my best friends over multiplayer chats!
3. Strategy
Many games require payers to devise plans and strategies to accomplish certain tasks and goals. These can be done with a single player or even while chatting amongst friends to create an ultimate team strategy in multiplayer.
4. Critical thinking skills
You have to use your noggin' to make particular decisions to associate with characters as well as the fates of other characters. Many of these decisions will question your morals and make you think about how your decisions fare in the future.
5. Hand-eye coordination
No matter if you are playing on a console or PC, you often have to coordinate what your hands are doing with your senses. Research has shown that regularly playing video games can definitely help your hand-eye coordination!
6. Everything can be explored
Especially in open-world games, everything can be explored for good loot and experiences. In my experience, it helps me know where to search for lost items and provides me with a sense of adventure for places outside of the home.7. Discover what you are good at, then use it
The a-ha moment: finding something that works for you. In the real world, a clothing style or a study strategy that helps you achieve your highest potential. In video games, it's whatever helps you reach the final mission. Video games truly help you realize and establish a sense of self.
8. Always try again!
If you don't try it again, you will never achieve what you want. Video games give you many challenging situations, and it is up to you to try to9. Finding a sense of family
They may not be real, but the bonds you create with characters can be beautiful. Many games give you the opportunity to make your crew feel like a real family.