If you go to UW-Platteville, you have most likely done these things throughout your college career:
1. Went to Playfair as freshman.
You thought you'd meet lots of new people, but just ended up awkwardly touching thousands of stranger's sweaty hands.
2. Loaded up two full plates at Stations in Bridgeway.
Then regretted every bite.
3. Studied by the big M light.
The Student Center is basically your second home.
4. Enjoyed a football game.
And you probably painted your face blue and orange. Let's go Pioneers!
5. Used your dorm key to get your mail.
To pick up all those letters from your mom.
6. Made a trip to at least one of the three Mexican restaurants in town.
A person can only take so much dorm food... and tacos are life.
7. Devoured a pizza tower at Steve's.
Did someone say Trivia Night?!
8. Walked to class when it looked like this outside.Winters in Wisconsin are the worst.
9. Went to Walmart at midnight.
There's not much to do in Pville, so late night Walmart trips seem like an adventure.
10. Watched the Lighting of the M with your friends.
Nobody does homecoming better than UW-Platteville.
And for all these reasons, every day is a great day to be a Pioneer.