Around this time of year, hundreds of thousands of college students everywhere end up sick as all can be. While it can be more severe at some schools compared to others, it makes that dreadful cold no worse. We’re a third or more through the semester, we have mounds of homework, we’re stressed, depressed and now we’re congested. Being sick as a college student is the worst and we all know what it’s like.
1. You hate yourself for ever taking your healthy body for granted.
You know what I’m talking about here. You feel absolutely miserable and while you’re sitting there with a box of tissues, you often reminisce about when you were healthy. You could breathe clearly, you didn’t cough for any reason and your throat was clear. Oh, how I miss it.
2. You’ve gone through multiple boxes of tissues.
Probably the only thing I miss about high school is that every classroom had tissues and hand sanitizer. I either have to buy and bring my own tissues and sanitizer to class, or suffer through using low quality toilet paper or paper towels. It’s ridiculous.
3. Cough drops and cold medicine are your best friends.
You check the clock every four to six hours and still aren’t sure how long you should wait before you pop in another cough drop because there’s something in there that can upset your stomach if you have too many. It’s a science and an art.
4. That internal argument you have about taking a nap or doing an assignment.
You don’t have to be sick for this one, but it comes up a lot when you are. You’re tired and your body wants sleep, but your professors don’t care that you are a walking snot. What will you sacrifice? Your gpa or your health?
5. Microwave soup gets old fast, but the café food is the last thing on your mind.
Unfortunately, you have limited dining options. You can either have the same cup o’ noodles soup for the millionth time, or try to stomach food from the dining halls. None of it is your mom’s homemade chicken and noodles so why does it even matter?
We’ve all been or will be sick this fall semester yet again, and in some ways, you just have to power through. Take all the cold pills, uses all the tissues, eat more microwave soup than you ever thought possible and visit the health center if you aren’t getting better. It sucks not being at home when you feel crumby, but we’re all there too. Feel better!