We look like adults and we may think we're adults, but the truth is: some of us twenty somethings still have no idea what we're doing with ourselves. But that's ok, because we know our parents are going to be there to answer any question... no matter how ridiculous. It doesn't matter how old we get because we'll still be asking our parents questions for years to come. And, let's face it, our parents just somehow know everything. Here's a list of things every twentysomething still asks their parents:
1. "What do I bring to a dinner party?"
2. "What do you mean not all doctors are covered by my insurance?"
3. "Do you have my passport?"
4. "How much ibuprofen is too much ibuprofen?"
5. "How do I know if I have strep throat?"
6. "If I send you this picture, can you tell me if I have strep throat?"
7. " Can you help me do my taxes?"
8. "What's an appropriate wedding gift?"
9. "How do I check my credit?"
10. "What's the recipe for that one pasta dish you always make?"
11. "What's the Netflix password?"
12. "What exactly happens if I don't pay my electricity bill in time?"
13. "How do I wash clothes that say 'clean dry only'?"
14. "I need to be up early - can you call me at 7 a.m. to make sure I'm awake?"
15. "Can you help me fix my computer?"
16. "What does business casual even mean?"
17. "Is it really ok to leave the house with the crockpot on?"
18. "What's my Social Security number?"
19. "When's grandma's birthday?"
20. "How long am I supposed to cook chicken for?"
21. "What do I do if my heat isn't working?"
22. "I just ate something that expired two weeks ago... Am I going to be ok?"
23. "Why didn't you tell me adult-ing was so hard?"