Success doesn't happen overnight. As much as we would like for that to happen, it just doesn't. It takes hard work and determination. For most, the road to reaching our dreams is long and rough and at times we might even want to give up. Here are some things to keep in mind for when the going gets rough!
1. Set smaller goals.
So you know what your overall goal is, right? Whether it's to graduate, land a certain job, buy a house, etc...chances are you already have it in mind. Plan out smaller goals that you can work on that lead up to the bigger goal. It may also be wise to keep track of your progress as a reminder of
how far you've made it.
2. Failure is part of the package -- learn to handle it!
Failure is something that many people are afraid of. When faced with failure, you can either quit and give up entirely, or look at it as a learning experience and an opportunity to grow. When looking with an optimistic perspective, you can tell yourself that not everyone gets it right all of the time, and now you know what ways won't work. Look at it as a minor setback and create a new plan!
3. Not everyone is going to support you...and that's OK!
Your dreams and ambitions are not going to matter to everyone. There may even be people in your life that you are close with that just don't agree with what you want to do with your life. There is nothing you can do to change their mind, but you don't need to.
Respecting another person's opinion doesn't mean that you have to take any advice they may offer. People give us advice even when we don't want it. I found it best to thank them and then forget about anything that they said.
4. Be your own definition of successful.
Ask yourself, what do I want in order to feel I've succeeded? A new house? New car? Degree? Certain job? Maybe all of the above? The answer will be different for everybody. Even people who are heading to the same field will have different ideas of what success is.
For example, to one person it might be a new job, but for another it may take their dream job, purchasing a new house, and getting married before they can say they have been successful.
So, whatever it is for you, make sure its your own definition.
5. Get rid of negative people.
"That's stupid." "College doesn't get you anywhere." "You're never going to make it." These are just a few things that I have had said to me in the past, and before recently, I use to believe them. After getting rid of people like this, I began to believe in myself and I now know that I can go much further than I thought!
It is hard to have a positive mindset when we surround ourselves with negative people, so it is important to get rid of them!
Truth be told, life isn't always fair and its certainly not easy...(unless you're like a Kardashian). Good things come to those who work hard for it, and sometimes things just don't go as planned. You may get to a point where you just want to quit. This would be the perfect time to reflect on the progress that you have made thus far (any progress is better than no progress) and remind yourself why you have started in the first place.