At the beginning of 2018, I told myself that I wanted to make the most out of the year (like I do every time). However, what I failed to do was realize what it is exactly that would have allowed me to grow. Without that, 2018 quickly became just like every other year. This year, I want that all to change—and here's what you and I need to remember in order for that to happen:
1. Have a positive attitude.
Without it, your mission will surely be a failure. You can't have sunshine without a little rain, but it's how you look at the rain that makes the sunshine even better.
2. Don't doubt yourself.
"Believe in yourself," they say. Yes, it's a cliché, but why do you think that is? Because more often than not, it helps us. Doubting yourself will set limits on the potentially endless possibilities in store for you.
3. Choose a few things you want to try before the new year and make them happen.
Make a list of some things you want to do or try in 2019. It doesn't need to be extravagant or filled with expensive adventures, it could just be trying sushi for the first time or giving up soda. Whatever they are, try to accomplish them throughout the year. In the end, you'll have your personal new-found sense of adventure without the world traveling.
4. You don't need to impress everyone.
Stop trying so hard to impress the people around you. You're your own person with your own likes, goals, dreams, and fears. Don't let anyone negatively influence that. Have confidence in who you are.
5. Say what you need or want to say.
Life truly is short. Don't let the fear of judgment stop you from sharing your opinion, your passions, your feelings, or your desires. If it's important enough to you, I'm sure others will want to listen... and if they don't, let your voice ring true to you anyway.
6. What is meant to be will be.
That job you applied for, the boy you've texted and Snapchatted who hasn't responded, the final paper that you got a bad grade on, and everything in between may not be perfect-- but I assure you, it's not the end of the world. What is meant to be in your life, will be. If you put dedication and love into all you do, things will work out.
7. Exercise your compassion and empathy.
Have a struggling friend? Thinking about volunteering somewhere local or abroad? Want to help those in need in your community? Do something about it this year. Jump on the one thing that makes your heart ache for others and try your best to positively impact it. It will make your heart and soul feel warm.
8. Don't fear spontaneity.
Go on the spontaneous road trip somewhere this summer or book a flight last minute if you're so fortunate to have those opportunities. It may sound hectic and stressful at the moment, but you'll be glad you said "yes" in the end. Sometimes, saying "yes" more can lead to special memories.
9. Tell your family and friends that you love them.
With all the hate and negativity in the world today, it's important to remind the people close to you how you feel toward them. It will make them smile.
10. Look out for your own best interest sometimes.
Caring for others is so very important, but don't lose yourself in the process this year. Remember that your dreams should be chased.