One of the most common lies: "I'm sorry." Don't be sorry for things that define you, instead embrace them and be confident. Our society has become a place where we are constantly apologizing for things we really aren't sorry for, but that others feel aren't "right." Now, that doesn't mean just run around being rude, but that there are somethings we as society need to quit making people feel sorry for.
1. Loving yourself
Being able to truly love yourself is something that comes with time and patience. We all have flaws, we all have things we wish we could change, but accepting yourself how you are is something I hope everyone is able to experience. You should never apologize for loving yourself because it is a rewarding feeling knowing that you are able to do this.
2. Wanting to be by yourself
Spending time learning how exactly to love yourself is a key part of happiness. It’s okay to not want to be in a relationship, and that is something you should never be sorry for. It’s a part of growing up and finding who you are in this crazy world and when you can do this, I promise you will be happy.
3. Being happy
This one goes without much of an explanation… If you are happy, no one should ever make you feel like you have to apologize for this. And if they do, well who wants to be around someone who wants you to NOT be happy? Also, never apologize for what makes you happy. Embrace it and do more of it.
4. Following your dreams
Make your dreams reality and be proud that you have the ambition to do so. Fulfilling your life goals is something that takes a lot of time and dedication, never be sorry for putting your future first and working to better your life. You only get one, make it everything you dream of.
5. Saying no
This goes for multiple meanings. Never be sorry for not doing something you don’t want to do. You know your boundaries and limits, don’t be sorry for not pushing yourself past them. Don't worry that you are going to "hurt someone's feelings" if you say no. If you don't want to, don't.
6. Standing up for your beliefs
You have 100% permission to believe in whatever you wish, as long as you don’t intentionally hurt people in order to prove a point. Be confident in yourself and your beliefs. People are often quick to judge when someone has different beliefs than them, but don’t let that stop you from standing up for them.
7. What you love
Celebrate that you have the ability to love. Loving something or someone is a scary thing, but it is also one of the most rewarding if done right. Never be sorry for loving something, take the chance.
8. Your past
The past is over, but it left some pretty good memories behind. On the other hand, it leaves some not so good ones as well. But your past is just that, the past, these memories are what make you who you are and you should never apologize for who you are.