This was undoubtedly a long and hot summer indeed, and although the warm weather is always nice for a little while, there are some things about the cold that I'm missing just a little extra.
1. Sweater weather, always
Sure, shorts and a tee shirt are perfect in the summer time, but in the cold?? You can NEVER have enough sweaters.
2. Fuzzy socks
There's nothing like a pair of fuzzy socks to warm your toes when it's chilly outside.
3. Seasonal decorations
Yeah, pumpkins are more of a fall decoration, but it's chilly in the fall, and pumpkins create a great aesthetic.
5. Snow, snow, snow
Okay, it might not be everyone's favorite thing in the world, but you can't deny that freshly fallen snow is just beautiful.
6. Hot drinks all the time
Sure, hot drinks are around all year, but they count most when it's cold.
7. Cozy movie nights
It's like a regular movie night, but plus a thousands blankets and hot chocolate. Yes please.
8. Extra blankets
Speaking of blankets, when it's cold outside, there's no limit to how many you can have,
9. Coming back home
I'm lucky enough to call both Selinsgrove and Exton my home. Cold weather means spreading my time out between the two of them and still always feeling right at home.
See you soon, cold weather!