Things To Love About Attending College At ETSU
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Things To Love About Attending College At ETSU

All colleges are unique, but this college town is my favorite

Things To Love About Attending College At ETSU

There are a lot of things to love about college, especially if you are lucky enough to attend East Tennessee State University located in Johnson City, Tennessee. It's where Kenny Chesney lived out his college years, and it's where we are living out ours. It's home to the long-haired psychology professor who also has a band. It is also home to a strangely high number of squirrels. Although ETSU isn't the biggest college out there, it is one of the most special. Johnson City is the perfect college town, and below are just a few great things about it.

Mr. President

Brian Noland: the man, the myth, the legend. ETSU students are lucky enough to have the coolest university president there is. The girls love him and the guys want to be him. He gives new meaning to the phrase “sharp-dressed man,” and if you were to search perfect families on Google, a picture of himself, his wife Donna (who is an ADPi by the way. Pi love, Donna!), and their son Jackson would appear within moments, and they would probably all be sporting blue and gold. If there is an ETSU event, Dr. Noland will most likely be present. At ETSU basketball games he can typically be found in the middle of the student section cheering and screaming right alongside the students who love him. Not only is Dr. Noland a cool guy, but he is also respected by ETSU students. He is for the students and values their opinions. What other university president invites students to his own home for dinner so that he can have face-to-face conversations with them about improvements they would like to see at ETSU? I’d say he is definitely one of the few

El T’s

New students call it El Charolais because they don’t know better, some call it El Kroger, but all well-informed ETSU students know this beloved Mexican restaurant as El T’s. It’s the place to be in Johnson City if you are looking for a delicious meal that is within a reasonable price range. El T’s is everyone’s go-to when it comes to celebrating birthdays, because who doesn’t love putting on a huge sombrero and being sung happy birthday in Spanish? It doesn’t matter what day of the week it is, it’s impossible to go to El T’s without seeing at least one person you know there. By the time graduation rolls around, most seniors are on a first-name basis with the wait staff due to numerous and most of the time extensive visits to the restaurant over the past four years.

Tree Streets

Just a few hundred yards from ETSU’s campus are the Historic Tree Streets. If you take a walk down these streets during the springtime, it is easy to understand how they got their name. The Tree Streets are not only home to beautiful landscaping, but it is also home to the fraternity men of ETSU. On any given Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday night college students can be found tromping up and down Maple or West Pine Street looking for the best party to attend. College girls travel in packs taking their weekly frat lap down these streets. As freshmen, it can be difficult to navigate all of the one way streets and remember which turn out of the round about will get you where you need to know. As seniors, driving the tree streets is second nature. Not only do you know how to get to each fraternity house, but you have learned where the best parking is that none of the underclassmen have learned about yet, although it probably hasn’t been for lack of trying. If you hang around until later in the night, you can hear college students screaming the lyrics to Old Crowe Medicine Show's "Wagonwheel." (No offense Darius Rucker, but the original version is always better) It gets especially loud when our beloved college town Johnson City is mentioned in the lyrics.

Poor Richard’s

Poor Richard’s, better known as PR’s, is the local bar conveniently located right beside the tree streets. (pretty smart, right?) It is a staple for college students at ETSU. If you enjoy dancing in crowded areas, this is the place for you. Over the years there have been numerous nightclubs and bars that have opened and closed in the Johnson City area. PR’s has stood the test of time, and although it may occasionally lose its hype when something new opens, eventually everyone ventures back to what they know best, and PR’s will always be waiting with open arms. Metaphorically speaking of course, the bouncers don’t usually like hugs. Stick around till the end of the night, and you can sing "Closing Time" at the top of your lungs with all of your closest friends.

The Library

No it is not the library used for studying, although we do have one of those, too. The Library is new in Johnson City, but it is quickly becoming a favorite for the locals. It is conveniently located almost directly across the street from PR’s in the building that was a nightclub called Chrome, and then another nightclub called Next. Hopefully the third time is the charm and The Library sticks around for awhile, because ETSU students sure do love this version of studying!


OK, so this isn't a place that is limited to Johnson City, but it is a staple here for college students. It's dirt cheap and its delicious. Whoever decided to build one of these fabulous establishments directly across from campus was a genius. The drive-thru line is always long, and you can't get your food in two minutes like other fast food chains, but it is well worth the wait. You simply have not lived until you've gone to Cookout at 2 in the morning with your closest friends and ordered a cookout tray. Even if you aren't typically a person who enjoys fast food, taking a trip to Cookout after a long night can be quite entertaining and there will always be a story to tell about the experience.

ETSU students have a lot of pride in their school and the city they live in. Whether it is wandering the tree streets, cheering in the student section beside our university's president, or late night meals at Cookout with friends, the memories we made in this small town will last a lifetime. We may be leaving to go on to other places after four years, but the time we spent here will always be something we hold close to our hearts. It only feels appropriate to end this article as Dr. Noland ends all of his best speeches, "Godspeed and go Bucs!"

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