As I typed and then promptly erased the first lines of this article over and over again, I found myself coming to the realization that I had nothing great or incredibly positive to say about high school. Sure, it was a good time and I made some life-long friends along the way, but whoever said high school was the best four years of your life was terribly mistaken. At least I hope so. There are too many awesome places to go and things to do after high school for anyone to consider four years of sitting uncomfortably close to boys with bad breath and desperately avoiding girls who “hate” you the best years of your life. Here is a list of what I consider to be things everyone should look forward to the most after high-school graduation. Hopefully I can help some nostalgic graduates realize that what lies ahead is going to be so much better than 200 kids grinding with each other in the same place they eat mediocre French fries Monday through Friday.
1. College, duh!
At least you won't have to deal with the type of kids who brag about failing classes and disrespecting teachers. And hopefully the french fries will be better.
2. Freedom!!
In high school, you probably still lived with your parents and you probably couldn't even go to the bathroom without asking permission. After graduation, you might get your own job or you might go away to college. Either way, you will have at least some degree of newfound freedom, so enjoy it!
3. Traveling the world.
It doesn't matter where you go or when you do it, but odds are, you will go on vacations and see amazing things like a coral reef or the Grand Canyon in your life after high school. And that is certainly something to look forward to.
4. Joining the "real world."
It will be so rewarding when you can finally use all of the skills you learned in high school or college to do something good with your life. You'll be able to buy a nice car or your first house, and then you'll know that all those years of hard work were worth it.
5. Your dream wedding.
Whether we like to admit it or not, all girls have been planning their wedding since they were about twelve years old. It's almost become complete fantasy by the time high school graduation comes around, but it will happen in real life and your dad will cry. And it will be awesome.
6. A mini-you.
To be completely honest, I'm not much of a kid person. But I've come to the conclusion that my own child will be a mini-me and therefore will be at least semi-cool.
7. Retirement.
You have your whole life to save up and prepare for your retirement. The day where you can essentially quit your job and do whatever you feel like will be a wonderful day. You could buy an RV and travel the continental United States, or you could move to the infamous Villas in Florida, the choice is all yours!
Yes, leaving your friends and hometown behind with your high school years is both sad and terrifying. Yes, it is probably the biggest change that has ever occurred in your life so far. I challenge everyone to embrace this change, to remember where you came from and who made you the person you are today, but also to look to the future, understanding that the best times of your life are still awaiting your arrival.