Life is such a precious thing, yet we all take it for granted at some point or another. When things gets busy and it feels like you always have something to do next, you forget to think about how valuable and important every single moment is. Most people don’t think about how quickly it can change or all of the things that could easily go wrong in an instant and turn your life upside down. We need to remember to cherish all the time we have while we still have it, and these three pieces of advice that I can give might help.
1. Don’t postpone anything.
Remember the other day when you thought about texting an old friend to see how they are, but you didn’t want to bother them so you said you’d do it another time? Or the time you thought about going on a random adventure, but you thought you had too many other things to do so you said you’d try again next month? Or think about your long bucket list of things to do and experiences you hope to have but you tell yourself you’ll do it when you’re older? If something were to happen to you right now, would you wish you had done these things? My answer is yes, so now is the time to stop putting off everything, because you never know when the opportunity to do these things could be taken away. Take the time and do all the things you want to do before not having another chance.
2. Eliminate negative energy and choose to be happy.
Don’t waste your time worrying about the small, stupid, or unimportant things that do not matter. In another week, month, or year, you won’t even remember them, so don’t put in the time and effort to bother with them. Use every moment you have to be happy and make others happy. When you decide to only allow positive energy to surround you, everything will mean so much more to you and make it so much easier to treasure every day. So become grateful for everything you have, laugh at yourself, help others, and think positive. Eliminate the negativity around you, and choose to live a happy life.
3.Set goals and reach for them no matter what.
Each morning when you wake up, set a goal for the day. It could be something as simple as making someone else smile or laugh to getting an A on a quiz. Make sure you set long-term goals for the future too, such as getting a job promotion or graduating with a degree in something you love, and make every effort you can to work towards them each day. Ultimately though, the goal that you should strive for every day is to be the absolute best person you can be no matter the situation. Be the best friend, significant other, sibling, roommate, child, parent, teammate, and role model no matter what the situation is. This single goal will change your life and make you appreciate every moment so much more because you are happy and you’re making an impact on someone else too.
Three seemingly simple and easy tasks can help make every day more appreciated and special. Even when life gets crazy and hectic, don’t forget about how precious life is, and always remember to treasure every minute of it that you have. So don’t put things off, do the things you want to do, get rid of the negativity, choose to be happy, set goals, reach for the stars, and live every moment in the best way that you can.