We all know those girls who we see in class carefully pulling their $45+ planner out of their Vera Bradley backpack just to slowly write something into their calendar. She seems like she has her life together or at the very least is doing a great job pretending at having her life scheduled down to the minute. Everyone thinks she can do things last minute with them because the rest of her life is planned to an exact science.
Well, I'm one of those girls and I will tell you that is not true at all. I'm so tired of people thinking I have time to plan last minute things or when I spend my time doing things that they think I shouldn't be. I painstakingly plan most things in my life so my life is balanced and well managed without the stress and struggle of last minute plans. I decided these are the 10 simple things that you all need to know about girls who live by their planner.
1. Our planners keep us from going crazy.
Our lives are in those planners and we need them to keep us on track. We also probably can't remember plans without them. *That honestly would be if it weren't for my calendar.*
2. Most of the time we keep a planner and a digital calendar.
Both calendars keep our plans nice and safe. Plus we have two reminders of our plans.
3. We are so freaking busy.
We don't have much free time.
4. We realize we only have 24 hours in a day, and 8 of those are scheculed to sleep.
Hi, I like sleep. I won't apologize for it. Plus, how am I supposed to keep up with a busy schedule with no sleep? #notpossible
5. No, I cannot just simply pencil you in at the minute. *Limited exceptions apply*
Please don't expect me to pencil you in at the last minute when my schedule is full. Exceptions include family and boyfriend things because those are important in my life.
6. I will cancel our plans if something more pressing pops up and I need to schedule for the same day.
I'm sorry if I have to cancel but some things are more pressing and important.
7. Please, I beg of you, please make plans with me ahead of time or risk not being to see me for 2 months.
Hi, I know you been wanting to hangout with me for awhile but you always want to make plans the night before and that doesn't work for me. Try scheduling a few weeks ahead of time because I'm busy and my schedule fills up fast.
8. Let me be clear, my time is my time and how I choose to schedule it is none of your business. *Limited exceptions apply*
Unless you are my parents, grandparents, or boyfriend then you don't get a say in how I spend any of my time. Even then, they don't get much of a say but are able to voice their opinion. My time is my own and how what, and who makes up that time is completely up to me. Unless you are one of these three people, I don't want to hear that I spend too much time with my boyfriend or that I'm always studying.
9. I have some things pre-scheduled every week and those things are not budging.
I have homework and study time scheduled into my planner. I also have specific days of the week that are date night for my boyfriend and I. All of those things are not budging, I don't care how much you whine about it.
10. Don't ever touch my planner.
I like to think that my Lily Pulitzer planner screams everytime someone else picks them up. I don't want smiley faces drawn all across my planner like I'm in elementary school. I also prefer to be able to write my plans on the day that you wrote "My Birthday" in pen across the entire square. Just please don't touch my planner and everything will be just peachy!