After being a server for a number of years, I've come to notice some tendencies of customers. Trust me, being a server can be so rewarding and enjoyable. However, it also can make you want to walk out of the restraunt and never look back. Please, go out to eat and enjoy a nice meal, just keep this in mind when you do...
Servers do more than just bring your food. They set the table, clear the table, get you refills, grab you extra sauces, make you salads, make you desserts, bring you extra napkins, and fulfill any other request you may ask. In addition, they have duties behind the scenes that you are not aware of. Side work and backups are apart of their jobs and they are expected to do it in a timely manner.
Servers are not responsible for food mistakes. Most of the time, servers are not responsible for your chicken being overcooked or your pizza not tasting what you thought it would be like. Of course it's completely understandable to be upset about your food not meeting expectations, but when your server tries to help fix it, please don't take your frustration out on them.
Servers are only human. Everyone makes mistakes, and there may be a time that a server forgets to put food in or gets you the wrong item. Keep in mind they may have other tables that are demanding their attention or they misread what they wrote down. It happens to the best of us, and servers are not the exception. Most servers will feel awful about it and do whatever they can to make it up to you.
Servers have feelings too. It's easy to bring a bad mood with you to places, and to take that out on others. However, servers are trying their best to please you, and it's very hard on them when someone is being rude. They have dealt with a lot of difficult customers throughout the day, but they do not want to put that on you. It would only be fair to ask that you do the same.
Servers depend on tips. Believe it or not, a two dollar tip makes a difference in their life. It's understandable if your service was not up to par, to not tip very much. Servers expect that. However, when you receive excellent service and experience no issues, it's hard for a server to not recieve a decent tip. Especially if you needed a lot of refills, deserts, salads, or special requests. The server deals with these things specifically and does it while managing all the other tables. If you have an issue with tipping, that's not a problem! Order delivery or get food to go and everyone will be happy.
Though other servers may think differently, these have been the hardest issues in my experience. As mentioned earlier, I think it's just a lack of information to the customers. So go out to eat and enjoy a nice meal, just remember to respect your server. Believe me it will mean the world to them!