7. Cook their favorite meal! | The Odyssey Online
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7 Things To Get Your S.O. For Valentine's Day That They Won't Be Expecting

Avoid the clichés this February and get them something that really touches the heart.

7 Things To Get Your S.O. For Valentine's Day That They Won't Be Expecting

Everyone knows the basic Valentine's Day gifts- chocolate, teddy bears, and roses. But after years of the same thing, sometimes it's time to think outside the box. Here's a list of things you can do outside of the Valentine's Day aisle.

1. Bake something


Food is a must, but instead of candy, make them something from the heart! Even if it doesn't turn out exactly like you expected, its the though that matters.

2. A massage


Valentine's Day should extend beyond February 14, and this is the perfect way to do it! Allow them to relax and get some alone time while keeping you in the back of their mind.

3. A handwritten letter


Ditch the cards section and write your own card this year! It saves money and it shows you put the time in to make it by hand.

4. Clothes


This sounds like a weird one, but getting them something you know they'll look good in (and reminding them of it when you give it to them) will ensure they'll be flattered and get good use out of it.

5. Phone charger


You can make anything romantic, and this is a perfect example. Add a caption like "to keep us connected no matter what" or "you energize my life" and you've got a gift that is cute and practical.

6. A pillow/blanket


Not only is this gift always needed, but it will be perfect for end of the night snuggles!

7. Cook their favorite meal!


Instead of buying chocolate, go buy a nice juicy steak or whatever they love to eat! And the best part- you get to enjoy it too!

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