Today I woke up relatively early, had class, had lunch, and you probably don't care about all the other things I did because you most likely did them too. That's exciting, good job! So now it's 11:33PM on a Monday night and I'm sitting here with a calculus test and paper due tomorrow and I'm trying to "have a night." Aka, I have so much energy that I could literally be up for four more hours trying to expend said energy in fun ways before going to bed rather than studying for that test looming over my head. Here is a list of things to do when you're bored and can't sleep, like me.
1. Have a water balloon fight.
2. Stalk people on Instagram.
3. Put an Oreo on your eye and try to get it into your mouth without your hands.
4. Change the world.
5. Become President.
6. Do Buzzfeed quizzes.
7. Do something crazy!!!
8. Try to give some of your energy to other people who could use some.
9. Play Mario Cart balloon battle.
10. Send your friends weird memes.
11. Download the "Gif Keyboard."
12. Make a fort.
13. Dress up your dog.
14. See how many cartwheels you can do in one minute.
15. Find Narnia.
16. Figure out how to spell "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious." (sorry, beat ya to it)
17. Look up "Tasty" videos, try to make them, and fail.
18. Watch cookie decorating videos on Instagram.
19. Run to get a "Cookout" milkshake and Uber back.
20. Text your good friend Beyoncé and listen to "Lemonade" together.
21. Go to Walmart and ask if they have walls for sale.
22. Go to "Sleepy's" and get the rest of your life, or jump on their beds.
23. Become a hallway ninja. Pop out at people as they walk by.
24. Dress up as a chicken and peck at people as they walk by.
25. Tape a cone to your head and become a narwhal.
26. Try to fit into your refrigerator.
27. Become an olympic athlete.
28. Make an origami paper airplane and fly it around the room.
29. Make a YouTube channel and reminisce on your middle school self.
30. Comment on your friend's old Facebook posts from when they were 12.
It's now 12:06AM, and its still safe to say I could run a marathon. Running to cookout sounds more realistic and even then, I'd probably Uber. For your own safety and health, (and mine), we should all just probably go to bed. Let me know if you actually do anything on this list, because I'd be impressed.