Whether you are sad for the hour, the day, the week or the month, try little things to make yourself feel better. It's a lot easier said than done but you have to put your best foot forward and work for a better you. Try these little tips to not feel as sad anymore.
1. Admit to yourself that you are sad
I know that I personally, never want to admit when I am sad, but understanding and knowing what you are feeling is the first step in trying to overcome it.
2. Let yourself be sad
You can't just decide one day you don't want to be sad — it is not that easy. You need to let your body feel these things and heal from them. It's not an on and off switch and sometimes you just need to let yourself sulk.
3. Do NOT feel bad for taking time for yourself
If you feel like you want to stay in and lay in bed all day, DO IT. Don't let anyone make you feel bad for taking time to take care of yourself. Now, when it is day five and you have not changed your clothes, eaten a full meal or brushed your hair, then we have a problem.
4. Know that it is going to be OKAY
Some things may seem like they are never going to get better, but I promise there are brighter days.
5. Get out of bed and open a window
It is such a small and simple task but I know that the sun and natural light always bring out a type of happiness in me. Whenever I feel especially down, I'll open the window too for fresh air without having to leave my room.
6. Please eat
I don't care if it is half a sandwich, your body needs more than the coffee you have been drinking to stay awake.
7. Take some time and do things you love
Sit down and write something or draw or go for a run or a walk. Don't worry about everything else that is going on, just do what you need to do. Happiness in things is really hard to find but once you find it, you have to keep at it and keep reminding yourself why you love it.
8. Listen to music
You can listen to sad music and cry some more or you can listen to music that makes you happy. A lot of times I find that music says the things that I don't know how to say. It puts my feelings into words.
9. Surround yourself with people who love you
I know you are sad and want to be alone but the best way to deal with sadness is to combat it with happiness. You need to be around the people who love and support you because they see things in you that you don't and they will know how to help you.
10. So cliche, but it is okay not to be okay
You do not need to be happy 24/7. Everyone has bad days, everyone gets sad, it is okay. You are allowed to be upset and stay in your bed all day and cry every once in a while.
If you feel more sad than normal, please reach out to someone. Your friends and family love you, support you and need you. You are never alone. Always remember, it's okay to not be okay!