New Year’s Eve (and pretty much the whole holiday season) and Valentine’s Day are basically the two days that require the most amount of PDA (Public Display of Affection). In other words, the days that make people who are single utterly annoyed when they walk through the mall and see millions of couples holding hands, snuggling in the line and sharing froyo. Of course on New Year’s Eve, people are supposed to kiss to bring in the New Year, but for those of you who are single in Times Square with a friend or a family member, well, that must be super uncomfortable and pretty sad. So for those of you who are single, like me, here are some ways that might help you this New Year’s Eve:
1. Wake up and make a list for the day
Doing things to keep you busy can help you feel less alone. Keeping your day packed with some activities until the afternoon can certainly keep your mind off things. Of course, no matter where you go, there will be an over display of PDA so be prepared. Or in other words, sleep until the afternoon.
2. Glare at couples who make you feel more alone
Those of us who are single won’t deny that sometimes we glare at couples who are way too affectionate in public. However, when (or if) we end up in a relationship, we might do the same thing, but for now, it is annoying. So if you do this, I will definitely glare at you without a doubt.
3. Invite other single friends over
Have a singles party! There is nothing better than crying about how alone you are with other people who don’t care how ugly you look when you cry. So ugly-cry together because at the end of the day they will be there for you and no man, or woman, will.
4. Watch movies and eat ice cream
The basic go-to plan for the day. The movies don’t have to be New Year’s Eve themed, however, I always end up watching the New Year’s Eve movie with Zac Efron, Ashton Kutcher and Abigail Breslin, and I always cry. But buy a lot of ice cream, as many flavors as you want, because who are you looking good for anyway? Exactly!
5. Drink wine
If you are the kind of person that doesn’t like ice cream, well, clearly we can’t be friends, but maybe wine or some other mixed drink is your go-to. For me, both ice cream and wine are my go-to because why not? Wine will definitely relax you on a stressful and sad day like New Year’s Eve. So bottoms up!
6. Scream into a pillow
Let out that frustration of that ex-boyfriend or girlfriend that broke your heart last New Year’s Eve, or kissed another girl in Times Square like Jake T. Austin did to Abigail Breslin. Let that pillow know your love-life struggles.
7. Eat more ice cream
After all that screaming, your throat is going to hurt. Let’s soothe that with some more ice cream!
8. Eat a full dinner
By eating a full dinner, I mean eating last night’s leftovers, ordering Chinese food or pizza. I mean, who is cooking for a party of one? That’s just sad.
9. Watch Dick Clark’s New Year’s Rockin’ Eve with Ryan Seacrest
At the end of the day, you don’t want to miss all the performing celebrities on TV. Plus, if you watched the New Year’s Eve movie, it will also prompt you to watch the ball drop. And who can resist Ryan Seacrest?
10. Make a love-life resolution for the New Year
Who cares about getting in shape or eating healthy? We need a man/woman for the New Year! So for you, single guys and gals, put some focus or effort on getting the things you want next year. Don’t settle for anything less, because you spent the last 24 hours of your year crying, watching movies, drinking wine and eating tubs of ice cream. At this point, you deserve someone who will do these things with you next New Year's Eve.