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5 Ways To Spend A Summer Day in New York City

It truly is the city that never sleeps.

5 Ways To Spend A Summer Day in New York City

It's true what they say in the movies, New York City really is the greatest city in the world. Granted, I may be a little biased, but waking up here every day truly does feel like a scene out of a movie sometimes. From amazing food and stores to beautiful views, it's impossible to be bored here. Whether you live close by and are planning a day trip or if it's your first time visiting, keep reading for 5 of my favorite ways to spend a day in the Big Apple.

Brooklyn Bridge

brooklyn bridge9 Reasons Why New York City Is The Best Vacation DestinationPexels

The Brooklyn Bridge is one of my favorite places in the city. On a warm night, take a stroll across the bridge and take in the gorgeous sunset views then grab a bite to eat in DUMBO. Pro tip: your best photo ops will be on the walk back to Manhattan with the skyline in the background.

Governor's Island

Governors Island | Governors Island is a 172-acre (70 ha) is… |

This hidden gem is the perfect way to spend a Saturday. Hop on the ferry at Pier 11 and take in the beautiful cityscape before docking at Governor's Island. The former Army base feels like its own world. Rent bikes for the day and enjoy the historic buildings and incredible views. If you're lucky enough to visit in fall, the island also offers pumpkin picking!

Central Park


You can't leave New York without at least one stop in Central Park. My favorite way to spend a summer day is to rent a boat with some friends (rental is just $20 an hour and each boat holds up to four people). The lake is right next to the iconic Bethesda Fountain — AKA where Chuck and Blair got married on Gossip Girl and where Giselle sings "That's How You Know" in Enchanted. If you're feeling fancy, reserve a table at The Loeb Boathouse for dinner, I promise you won't be disappointed.


5. Thrift shopping

Fashion lovers, this one's for you. New York City has some of the best thrift stores where you can find treasures on a rainy day. Buffalo Exchange and L Train Vintage are my favorite Manhattan spots. If you're in Brooklyn, head to Stella Dallas Living and 10ft Single By Stella Dallas in Williamsburg for true vintage gems. Their selection of Edwardian and Victorian dresses is breathtaking.

Washington Square Park

File:NYC - Washington Square Park.JPG - Wikimedia

This NYU hotspot is always buzzing with artists and musicians. Grab some friends and set up a picnic in the grass and take it all in. Might I also recommend grabbing some edible cookie dough at nearby DŌ or checking out the french fry bar at Pommes Frite.

This list doesn't even begin to scratch the surface of things to do in New York. The city is filled with endless opportunities and adventures. If you need me, I'll be at the french fry bar.

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