America The Beautiful: Part 1 Of 5 | The Odyssey Online
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America The Beautiful: Part 1 Of 5

Things to do in the Northeastern United States.

America The Beautiful: Part 1 Of 5

The United States is so vast, with each state having unique characteristics and sites to see. It is a country filled with history and beauty, which can be found throughout National Parks, museums, monuments, and within towns. Over the next few weeks, I will be writing about things to do in each state.

Here are things to do in the Northeastern United States:

1. Maine

The northernmost state on the East coast, Maine is home to many scenic parks such as Mount Desert Island, Acadia National Park, and Casco Bay. Within these parks, you can hike, go for a swim, go for a bike ride, have a picnic, or just enjoy the scenery! There are also many lighthouses throughout the state, which offer beautiful views of the water and towns nearby.

2. New Hampshire

Known for its motto, “Live free or die,” New Hampshire is home to many beautiful outdoor areas such as the White Mountains, Odiorne Point, and Diana’s Baths. Free from sales tax, New Hampshire is also a great state to go shopping in!

3. Vermont

Vermont is often associated with the birthplace of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream and you can take a tour of the factory! On the tour, you’ll see how the ice cream is made and even get to try a few samples. You can also visit the Vermont Teddy Bear Company and take a tour. If you’re looking to get outdoors, you can visit Lake Champlain and Smuggler’s Notch!

4. Massachusetts

Home to both the birthplace of the American Revolution and where the Pilgrims first landed, Massachusetts full of history. In Boston, you can visit Paul Revere’s house, the Kennedy Presidential Library, Plymouth Plantation, and Boston Harbor where the Tea Party took place. Be sure to check out a Red Sox game at the historic Fenway Park. If you’re looking to spend some time on the beach head over to Martha’s Vineyard!

5. Rhode Island

Like Massachusetts, Rhode Island is also home to many beautiful beaches such as Narragansett Beach. While in Rhode Island, you can also visit many of the historical mansions and grounds such as the Breakers and other Newport Mansions.

6. Connecticut

Connecticut is home to Mystic Aquarium, home of the only beluga whales in New England! Mystic Aquarium is located in Mystic, a popular seaport town. There is much history in the town and it is home to the nation's largest maritime museum. Not interested in aquariums or boats? Check out some of the other popular museums such as the Glass House, the Connecticut Trolley Museum, and Mark Twain’s home.

7. New York

There is so much to do in New York City. After all, it is known as “the city that never sleeps”. In Manhattan, you can visit Central Park, Times Square, the Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island,the Empire State Building, the Freedom Tower, the National September 11th Memorial and Museum, see a Broadway show, visit one of the many museums, and eat at hundreds of different restaurants. However, New York State is also home to many National and State Parks and Historic Sites such as Jones Beach, Sagamore Hill, and Niagara Falls, just to name a few. You can also head upstate to Saratoga Springs to enjoy many of the public pools, the springs, spas, and visit the historic race track!

8. New Jersey

Like Massachusetts and Rhode Island, New Jersey is home to some of the nicest beaches in the Northeast. They often have boardwalks with many places to eat and shop accompanied with live music and entertainment. Three popular areas are the Jersey Shore, Cape May, and Ocean City (not to be confused with Maryland). Although the boardwalks usually have rides, New Jersey is also home to Six Flags Great Adventure, one of the country’s top amusement parks and home to Kingda Ka, the tallest rollercoaster in the world! Also worth mentioning is Liberty State Park, which provides spectacular views of the New York City Skyline!

9. Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania is full of things to do and there is something for everyone. Want to spend some time in nature? Head to the Pocono Mountains where you can ski, snow tube, hike, fish, raft or kayak, zip line, or just go for a swim in the lake. If you are looking to explore more of the historic side of Pennsylvania, you can visit Philadelphia. In Philadelphia, you can visit the Liberty Bell, Betsy Ross’s Home, and Independence Hall (where the Declaration of Independence was signed), amongst other things. While you’re there, be sure to have a Philly cheesesteak at either Pat’s King of Steaks, Geno’s Steaks, or Tony Luke’s! Pennsylvania is also home to Hershey chocolate factory located in Hershey, PA. Here, you can tour the chocolate factory and enjoy the amusement park. Also worth mentioning are the National Civil War Museum and Gettysburg.

10. Delaware

Known as “the First State,” Delaware is home to many beautiful state parks. If you are looking to spend some time on the beach, be sure to check out Cape Henlopen State Park. Fort Delaware, another state park, is full of Civil War history and great views of the Delaware River. Not interested in visiting a state park? There are plenty of museums to visit such as the DiscoverSea Shipwreck Museum, the Air Mobility Command Museum, and the Winterthur Museum, Garden, and Library.

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