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29 Things To Do in Myrtle Beach, SC Regardless Of The Weather

Both indoors and outdoors things to do in beautiful Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.

29 Things To Do in Myrtle Beach, SC Regardless Of The Weather
Dahlia DeHaan

In 2017, I moved to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina - one of the most touristy places on the East Coast. And ever since then, I've befriended locals and done some exploring on my own to discover new, fun things to do in Myrtle Beach. Here are just a few of my favorites.

1. The beach - duh!

Myrtle Beach is absolutely beautiful, and it's one of the reasons I moved here. Pay $10 a day for garage or street parking and enjoy a day in the sun.

2. Boardwalk at the Beach

Not to be confused with Broadway at the Beach, the Boardwalk runs right along the sand and offers a strip of restaurants, bars, arcades, and shops.

3. Broadway at the Beach 

Broadway is a little more in-land but a whole lot of fun. It is an outdoor shopping center located on a body of water. There are a ton of shops, restaurants, bars, and clubs, as well as family-friendly activities such as mini golf, high-speed boat rides, and an amusement park!

4. Broadway Grand Prix

Go Go-Karting!

5. Barefoot Landing

Barefoot Landing is another super fun, beautiful shopping center on the water.

6. Brookgreen Gardens 

Brookgreen Gardens is an amazing spot in Murrells Inlet to view gardens, sculptures, and seasonal lights shows.

7. Duplin Winery 

"Sweeten your day with a wine tasting" is Duplin Winery's slogan.

8. Golf! 

Myrtle Beach is Golftown, USA! Try your hand at grown up golf, or the miniature version.

9. Huntington Beach State Park and Atalayla Castle.

Have a picnic in the park and browse a real life castle.

10. Live music

There is live music every day at Lucy Buffett's LuLu's in Barefoot Landing! There is also live music all over Myrtle Beach, including Friday nights at King Street Grille and Sunday nights at the Boathouse.

11. Market Common

I'm biased towards this one because I work here, BUT Market Common is a gorgeous shopping center on Grand Park lake. There are so many shops, restaurants, and bars, it could take up an entire day.

12. Myrtle Waves Water Park

I love a good water park!

13. Pier 14

Have lunch on top of the ocean at Pier 14.

14.  Ride the SkyWheel!

The SkyWheel is Myrtle Beach's icon. It is also one of the tallest Ferris wheels in the United States.

15. Riptydz Rooftop Bar

Enjoy drinks, watch the game, and play cornhole on the rooftop bar at Riptydz, overlooking the Atlantic.

16. 810 Market Common

810 is one of the most fun places to be in Myrtle Beach. It's a bowling alley that also has a bar, pool tables, table tennis, dart boards, trivia, live bands, a mini golf course, a bakery and ice cream stand, and so much more!

17. Coastal Grand Mall

I love walking around good ol' Coastal Grand.

18. Carolina Comedy Club

Get your kicks at this new comedy club at Broadway.

19. Cookout

A must-experience for anyone visiting South Carolina. Cookout burgers really taste like they were cooked out an outdoor grill!

20. Dave & Buster's

Who doesn't like Dave & Buster's? It has games, drinks, and prizes, great for date night, a friendly group outing, or family fun.

21. Eat Mexican food at Abuelo's 

Abuelo's is by far my favorite restaurant in Myrtle Beach.

22. Enjoy bottomless mimosas at the Brass Tap

The Brass Tap offers bottomless mimosas for two with the purchase of two brunch entrees every Saturday and Sunday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. It's an experience.

23. House of Blues

See a show at North Myrtle Beach' very own House of Blues.

24. Medieval Times

Dinner and a show!

25. Osaka Chinese buffet

This is my special little hole-in-the-wall place but I'm sharing it with you all to give it some exposure. This Chinese buffet is so good and so reasonably priced.

26. Ripley's Believe It Or Not Museum

Also known as the odditorium.

27. See a movie at Grand 14 Theater

This is my favorite movie theater in Myrtle Beach.

28. See a show at the Alabama Theater

View amazing shows at the Alabama Theater in North Myrtle.

29. Take a tour of New South Brewing 

Check out Myrtle Beach's own brewery, that produces beer such as the Dirty Myrtle.

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