While our break from school is almost over--cue sobbing children everywhere--there is still time left to enjoy a hot and humid Florida summer. Florida, where all of the tourists flock, swarming the beaches and clogging the streets. Florida, where bugs are aplenty and there is an overabundance of crazy stories. While many people visit Florida every day, only those of us who live here know what it is truly like. As a local, I have composed a short list below of things to do during a Florida summer.
1. Sweat.
There is no deodorant strong enough for a Florida summer.
2. Go to the beach.
If you can ignore all of the tourists and the heat, the water is pretty cool.
3. Go to the pool.
Like a beach, minus the sand, seaweed, and tourists (unless you're at a hotel).
4. Get irritated by tourists.
They're terrible drivers, they litter the beaches, and they can be rude to locals.
5. Stay inside where there's a.c.
There's a reason Floridians' electricity bills sky-rocket in the summer.
6. Complain about the humidity.
It makes the hot temperatures so much worse. Don't even try styling your hair. It'll be messed up as soon as you walk outside.
7. Go to a different beach.
Don't worry, they're everywhere.
8. Complain about the heat.
There's no escaping it.
9. Eat a snow cone.
It's hot outside and ice is cold. Enough said.
10. Burn yourself when getting in your car.
The seatbelt, the steering wheel--no where is safe to touch.