Starting school in the middle of August up until the first week of June was always pretty standard to me. Two months of summer was always long enough for me until it came down to the last two weeks before school started. But this being my first summer as a college student, it's already been two months with one more to go. I can already feel the time going fast even though the time felt so slow in the first two weeks after taking my last final. With the end of summer approaching quickly, I've really taken the time to appreciate every day that's been given to me. I've had the time to spend time with my family and take the opportunities to occupy myself with summer school. Time goes slow until it goes fast, and before you know it, you're back to the first day of a new school year with new adventures awaiting you. So here's to this summer, it's coming to an end sooner than I would like, but it's not over yet.
1. Try something new.
I had the opportunity to start off my summer by running a 5k with my mom and my girlfriend. It was one of the most exciting things I've ever done! I would've never pictured myself participating in any kind of run, it just never crossed my mind. But I took the chance and got to experience one of the craziest things I've ever pushed myself to do. And believe it or not, just two weeks later, I participated in another run!
2. Go to a food festival.
Right after the 5k, my girlfriend and I went to a taco festival with her family. Now let me tell you -- waking up at 6 a.m. to run, followed by attending a food festival during a really hot afternoon with an excessive amount of food trucks available to you, is totally WORTH it. Trying new foods, fighting your tiredness and being with people you care about can make for a really memorable day.
3. Go to a concert.
A concert in the city or a local music festival: it's your pick! If you haven't had the time because of a summer class or you've been devoting yourself to work to make that extra cash, make sure you still make time for yourself. So go see a concert! Enjoy the excitement and feed off of the energy around the people around you. Would you rather blast the radio in your car or hear that exact music blasting from a live concert? I promise it'll be worth every penny.
4. Enjoy the view.
Go on a hike or find a view point, where ever you are, take a long second to breathe it all in. Look around and find the beauty in all things chaotic. Saying you don't have time is easy, but actually making the time is harder. Make time. Get out of the house and walk out and about. I never knew how calming it could be to change my surroundings, it drastically changes your mood and can be extremely therapeutic. Appreciate what life has given you appreciate moments like these.
5. Do what you need to do for yourself.
No one is telling you what you can or can't do. Now in this case, my girlfriend is doing what Target is asking her not to do. But if she did what she was asked, I wouldn't have gotten this funny picture! Why follow everything your told to do? Sometimes you have to put yourself first and with this being YOUR summer vacation, you have the right to do as you please. You deserve to put yourself first from working so hard year after year. Make yourself laugh, reward yourself and put yourself first. You can't be the best you can be unless you make yourself a priority.