Let's face it: a lot of people don't like having "alone time" or spending time with themselves. That's just the way it is for most people. But what if you change that? Getting comfortable with being alone is a really great habit to start today. Doing things by yourself promotes feelings of self-appreciation and self-love. Can't think of anything to do by yourself? Here's 50 creative ideas for stuff you can do alone:
1. Take a walk.
2. Start painting.
Literally paint whatever you want. Let your creative juices flow!
3. Meditate on the positive things in your life.
4. Go outside and take pictures.
5. Look up a fun recipe and make a snack.
6. Curl up with popcorn and watch a movie.
7. Go to a concert.
People are really scared to go to concerts alone but it's actually a great way to get to know yourself!
8. Read a book.
9. Take a peaceful bath.
10. Pray.
This is based on personal preference, of course.
11. Go to a bookstore and browse the shelves.
12. Sit on a bench in your favorite park.
Maybe take a book or listen to music there.
13. Listen to an interesting podcast.
14. Listen to a new genre of music.
15. Organize your closet.
16. Practice a new makeup technique.
17. Visit a new place in town.
If you explore a new place where you've never been before,it can be really fun!
18. Go for a run.
19. Hit the gym.
Another scary thing to do alone, I know. But the more you do it, the easier it gets.
20. Google a random topic and read about it.
It's always good to expand your mind!
21. Call a friend and just chat.
This isn't technically doing something alone but it will make you feel better.
22. Take yourself out to dinner.
23. Learn a cool new dance move.
24. Go for a hike.
25. Do something DIY.
Look up a cool DIY project online - there are tons of them!
26. Look through old Snapchat memories.
Not the bad ones, of course.
27. Go to a coffee shop and get something done.
28. Order pizza to your home/house/apartment.
29. Listen to your favorite music from back in the day.
30. Light some candles and just relax.
31. Go to that party you said you wouldn't attend by yourself.
You can do it, don't be afraid to go alone.
32. Play a fun game on your computer or other device.
33. Post something cool on social media.
34. Build your resume.
There's always room for touch-ups.
35. Reorganize your room.
Sometimes moving the furniture and decor around can give your room a new feel.
36. Go to that group fitness class you've been avoiding.
37. Treat yourself to a sweet a cool dessert place.
You deserve it.
38. Take a nice nap.
39. Start a blog.
40. Go for an evening drive and see where you end up.
41. Watch your favorite comedian on YouTube.
A good laugh always feels good.
42. Try drawing yourself without looking in the mirror.
43. Make a collage out of old magazines.
44. Take a video to document your day.
45. Make a friendship bracelet for yourself.
46. Go pick some flowers for yourself.
47. Write a letter to your future self.
Save it for five years down the road.
48. Play around on Google Earth.
49. Take your vehicle to a car wash.
50. Set up a date with a friend you haven't seen in awhile.
These are a bunch of great things you can do almost any time of the day that will help you appreciate alone time. I hope you enjoy them!