After recent attacks in Paris, Beirut, Baghdad, and an earthquake that struck in Japan as well as Mexico, we lost over 115,200 loving hearts in just 24 hours. When we hear this number, our minds automatically are wired to think about the lives of the people who were directly affected by these tragedies.
What we oftentimes forget to think about are the families and friends of these individuals who are left to mourn and grieve at the loss of their loved ones. That being said, aside from cherishing the copious amount of turkey, side dishes, and desserts, there is much more that we should be lending our attention to this Thanksgiving.
First, being alive is a privilege that is taken for granted on an everyday basis. Being able to live, breathe, and experience all of the joys that this world is capable of providing for us is something to celebrate. Take pictures outside, go for a walk, or even take a look around you and appreciate what it's like to live. Take the time to enjoy all of the food that has been prepared for you and instead of mindlessly eating it, appreciate that so many individuals have been stripped of the simplicities and will never be able to experience a Thanksgiving again.
Each day, I continue to be reminded that family is everything. Who cares if your brother cut in line to be served first or that your dad and grandfather’s eyes are glued on football, hogging the television after dinner? For these moments mean that you are lucky enough to be surrounded by loved ones. So many individuals have lost their spouses, children, and friends and could only wish that they could get mad at their sister one more time. Enjoy the company of everyone coming together in one place, even if it’s just for one meal.
Realistically, you truly never know when your last day will be. Though it's entirely too easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of school, work, and everyday life routines, Thanksgiving is a holiday specifically dedicated to focus soley on what we are thankful for. Don’t rush through dinner or get mad at the numerous times your family members ask if you have a significant other yet. Realize that this day only comes once a year, and you should not be wasting any minute of it being anything but grateful. Remember how many people there would be who would love to enjoy those 24 hours.
This Thanksgiving, cherish everything. Enjoy the food, the “hello” smiles, “goodbye” tears, and every moment in between. Put your phone away, pull out the family photos, and submerse yourself in all things joyous. Don’t allow yourself to go back to everyday life saying, “I wish I would have said/done this,” for the time is now. You are lucky, loved, and extremely fortunate to be able to say, “I’m going home,” this Thanksgiving holiday.