8. Adam Sandler. | The Odyssey Online
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8 Things From The 90s And Early 2000s You Might Be Nostalgic For, But Certainly Shouldn't Miss

You can't be that nostalgic for dial-up, dude.

8 Things From The 90s And Early 2000s You Might Be Nostalgic For, But Certainly Shouldn't Miss

Nostalgia? It freaking sells. All your favorite toys from the wonderful decade that is the 90s are making a comeback, cartoons are getting reboots, and some things are even becoming popular again, ironically. No matter which way you see it, nostalgia is, quite fittingly, making a comeback; and companies are cashing in on the madness.

My guess is that nostalgia for the 90s/early 2000s is so popular because it simultaneously reminds a lot of us about the "good old days" when the economy wasn't terrible and we had the freedoms of childhood. No bills, no rent to pay, no jobs, no mental breakdowns; that was the life. But that's beside the point. Read on to learn about the things from that period of time you REALLY shouldn't miss.

1. Dial-up.


Dial-up was the absolute worst when I was trying to go on Nick.com. Wanted to use the internet while your mom is making a call on the house phone? Good luck with that, because it won't happen. Let's just say that high-speed internet is the saving grace we didn't know we really needed.

2. Vanilla Ice.


Yes, I DID meet Vanilla Ice, but that doesn't mean he should be sorely remembered as an un-ironic icon of the 90s. I'll have to admit that he's doing something useful now instead of making cheesy one-hit wonders.

3. Fax machines.


It amazes me that people still use these contraptions today. I've never even used fax yet, and I'm pretty sure I don't even need to.

4. Nick News With Linda Ellerbee.

You all know this was horrible. Imagine you're sitting in front of your TV on Saturday night watching Snick, and suddenly, before "The Amanda Show" can come on, the logo for this travesty popped up. That's when you knew it was time to turn off the TV and play some Nintendo or whatever.

5. Dresses over jeans.

Image: 21 Unfortunate Fashion Trends That All '00s Girls Will Remember ...


Seriously, WTF. Why did anyone in Hollywood ever think this was a good idea? This, kids, is why you shouldn't have to look up to these people.

6. Myspace.


Ahhh, the good old days of having Tom as your only friend and debating who your "Top 8" should be. It was an all-out war if your best friends weren't in your Top 8. PC4PC, anyone?

7. Low-rise jeans.


Or even low-rise anything. Praise Jesus high-waist pants are back in fashion.

8. Adam Sandler.


OK, be nostalgic for any of his movies before 2008. Everything else he's ever done after that = garbage. The day he finally stops acting like a man-child in every one of his films will be the day we rejoice; for he will finally grow up already.

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