We get it. You fully support your political party. Even though we don’t agree on the same issues, we still respect the fact that you are a die-hard Democrat or Republican. We may cringe every time we hear the name of your candidate each time it comes up on the news, but we are still respectful of your support for them. Why then, is it so hard for you all to do the same thing for us? Here are just some of the things that third-party supporters absolutely hate hearing, but have to endure on a daily basis.
1. You are wasting your vote.
Wait, what? HOW DARE YOU! I’m sorry, I thought this was America! My vote is mine and mine alone. I did my own research on the issues and the candidate I support. The only way that I would be wasting my vote is if I didn’t go to the polling place at all.
2. A vote for a third party is a vote for Trump/Clinton.
No, a vote for a candidate that I support is a vote for the candidate I support and no one else. Please don’t start crying if your choice ends up losing in a close race. And please do not blame me and other third party supporters. If your candidate loses, it is because the American people didn’t think they were right for the job.
3. We have to stop Trump/Clinton! You have to vote for Clinton/Trump!
I didn’t know this was a popularity contest. I’m not going to go against my principles and help you on your crusade against the candidate you hate the most. I’m not going to give into groupthink. I’m not going to vote a tyrant for another tyrant. Both of them are terrible choices, but that’s my opinion.
4. I’d support a third party if they had a chance at winning.
Are you serious? It’s not about winning or losing. It’s about voting with your beliefs and values. If everyone stopped thinking that winning, maybe we would not be in the situation we are in.
5. If you get in the way of my candidate getting into the White House, I will be mad at you,
I will hurt you (and other expletives).
Fine. Throw your temper tantrum. Block me on Facebook if you’d like. You are really showing your maturity.
6. We have to choose a lesser of two evils.
No you don’t. You have other choices as well. Don’t force yourself to vote for someone who doesn’t share the values you hold near and dear to your heart.
7. I’m going to support a winner.
Did you even take the time to research the issues? Do you realize what your candidate said this morning? Do you realize the repercussions of what’s going to happen? No? Get out of here.
8. I haven’t even heard of the name of your candidate.
Do. Your. Research. You are showing that you are uninformed.
9. You have gone off the deep end.
No. I have decided to take advantage of my freedom and I will practice it.
Don't get me started on your candidate.